Saturday, May 21, 2011


Feel like typing, feel like being outside. First time I've gotten properly dressed and stuff before 1pm in like five days...went to the library and it's GORGEOUS outside. I shaved last night so I am wearing a proper skirt and stuff, although it's a short one (for me) and there were nearly some hoo-hah mishaps on the sidewalk.

So basically the biggest thing to report is I went to this sexual health clinic the other day (don't freak out or assume that I'm a whore, etc.; I'm really telling this for the awkward factor--), and before I was led into the examination room, the doctor was like, "Oh, there's a medical student observing today, is that ok? Otherwise I'll ask him to leave." And I just thought, "Why the hell not, whatever," so gave my permission. And in America, if the doctor is a male, a female nurse is required to be present. Apparently not here? The doctor was rather handsome, but I wasn't really concerned with that, more so with ascertaining that my IUD was fine. So after asking me all the usual questions, during which I ignored the medical student because he was sitting to my other side, the doctor stepped out for a minute and then I made small talk with the medical student. The doctor came back fast so our small talk ceased suddenly and then I had to undress and stirrup it up. Then a nurse stepped into the room, but it was a gay male nurse, who briefly told me that they were going to make sure that the swabs were taken in the correct place. And then it was spread eagle for male doctor, medical student awkwardly hovering near my vag, gay male nurse wherever he was. Did their business and then I got dressed again but I had thought everyone had left the room, but when I moved the curtain back the medical student was there and then I sat and made more small talk with him, like he didn't just see all my junk. But surprisingly, I didn't even care. Weird, E.

That's the most notable thing in my life this past week. I think I want to spend part of this afternoon on bankside...

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