Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's been a day, guys...

   So I've not been feeling well due to hormones today and a bit of yesterday, but I got home today and I was like, "Wow, I need to cry...a little alarmingly/overwhelmingly so." I talked to T for like ten minutes and that was good and I cried a little and felt immediately better. I will regale you with tales of my life

   I got coffee with Nina and Argula on Saturday and Nina made me a burnt CD with freaking decal letters spelling out my name! And she got me three giant tubes of love hearts from fucking Switzerland! So I'm currently on tube 2 and they have phrases in England, French, Swiss-German...I just ate one that said, "Sage ja" lollll. I think that right there made my day a little better. Also, Devin just IMed me with this little comic which you all should look at because it made me laugh out loud quite forcefully: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh9fgn3nXW1qfl9wuo1_500.png

   I wore a skirt today. And mascara. Cus Nina and I were going to a makeup launch party...which didn't happen while I was around. OH, but first...I had the most interesting busride I've had since being here. Going up Waterloo Road there was a man pissing against a fence in the middle of central London with plenty of people walking by. I did a triple take. And then I nearly suffocated because the guy in front of me was wearing enough cologne to kill a small room of people with allergies. He was like a living embodiment of an A&F store because I could hear his pounding club music coming through his earbuds. Anyway, I digress.

   So I met Nina at school and we took a bus to Regent Street and I saw Carnaby Street (famous shopping area) for the first time. We went to this cute little shopping center and to this tea room where she got me a chai latte, which, looking back, almost makes me want to cry cus it was just unexpected and nice. The tea room was so cute--I want to go back! We went to the makeup store and it was deeeead so we awkwardly went around and I saw MD and then we left and wandered and then I got the bus back to school.

   I got home and was productive and talked to Charli and then just had all the little good things happen and I came out of the shower and let my hair down and it was vavavoomy and then I had to answer the flat door in a towel and it was the guy who returned our mop late last night asking if he could borrow our mop again. I've decided it's a tech night so I've put up more pictures in this album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=340954&id=552508884&saved#!/album.php?fbid=10150149531853885&id=552508884&aid=340954

So you should enjoy that and keep being my friend because I love you.

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