Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am getting to be a bad blogger/I do it for my own sake

   It's been a rough week or so...been feeling sick which hasn't been fun and is the reason for non-activity. But the weather this week has been beautiful, so I've fought my way through feeling ucky to walk around London. It's been in the 50s and sunny so I took advantage of that the other day. Sat at a bench on the embankment for quite a long while on Tuesday afternoon and then had this really freaky moment of total disconnection from London. The Eye was there, the Thames, and I didn't feel it. It was quite disorienting. Also, there are daffodils everywhere in this city.
   I saw Submarine last night. It is Richard Ayoade's first movie that he directed, and it has been likened to Wes Anderson. While I liked it overall, I did feel like it was trying a bit hard by doing a LOT--the breaking up into parts, the music, the colors. Overall nice though.
   I have been tearing up/almost crying a lot lately. Niko is leaving in less than two weeks now and it's really hitting me. He, Michelle and I were in Pret the other night and the music they were playing was just right on our situation: "I wanna go to my hometown..." and "I don't wanna say goodbye" So I cried in Pret because I'm not ready. We're going to have a sleepover next weekend though. And today Charli invited me back home with her anytime in sweet.
   Otherwise I have essays. Counting history essay to be handed in next week (and I'm going to pull a Robyn here): 15,000 words. And I have no idea what I'm writing about for Psychoanalysis, barely an idea for Shakespeare, but finally had inklings for Creative Writing today...although I have to listen to an audio reading of a book and read another book still for that class. So the stress is setting in, it's 5 1/2 weeks til T visits, friends are going home, I cry thinking about going home and adjusting to that, I am a mess. I find solace in holing up in my room watching the Big Bang Theory because I have finally come around to it and it fits right now and makes me laugh out loud. I am bony. I made a killer pot of chili last night. I went to bed at 2am and am tired.

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