Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shit is getting real.

   This morning was a really good morning. I was productive as hell and played lots of Patrick Wolf happiness to the sunshine.

   I have realized that I must strike a balance in the way I participate in class. I say one or two small but on-the-right-track things in class then I get all excited that I'm doing well and then I talked TOO much and say something stupid. But I'm appreciating the fact that I'm getting more comfortable with my peers and with MYSELF.

   Annnnnd, we workshopped my piece (anonymously) in class today. It was kind of scary as hell, especially when people kind of hated on the names I chose for my characters AND THEN SOPHIE SAID THAT IT STRUCK HER MORE AS AMERICAN. There are like two Americans in that class and I am the only one who talks!!!! I like could NOT look up cus I would have cried and/or turned beet red. Anyway, realized my story isn't a story because it actually happened and I told it kind of verbatim...boring. But I appreciated Sophie's comments a lot. And I just spent an hour reading most of this history article and I don't really care and I'm getting stressed cus time is running out and I have essays that I don't even know what I'm writing about!!! This weekend I will organize my life.

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