Saturday, April 2, 2011

Megavideo is being a little bitch--->blogging time

   Yes, been totally slacking lately. This past week has been stressful because I had a history essay due and Cheapside stuff due and it was all a lot. I ended up finishing things running on like four hours sleep but it was all ok. I went to see Patrick Wolf again on Tuesday night, this time at a club in Camden called Koko. I went with Nina and met her bestie, Roy, who was a total sweetheart and very nice. We had a box area on the second tier sort of at the side. It was a nice view and one didn't get all concert-sweaty. A guy called Rowdy Superstar opened the show. He was like glam rap with backup dancers. It was fun but the strobe lights were kind of intense. Patrick again was amazing. He played a lot of older songs like "To the Lighthouse" which was fun to hear live. I really liked hearing "Hard Times" live as well. It was super Middle Eastern emphasized. I was getting bummed about not hearing The City until he played it in the encore and I was a happy girl. It took us ages to get out until they cleared the way for Nina to leave and she tumbled down the ramps with some WHEEE!s. We went around back and waited for at least an hour and a half and I was a bit despairing cus I hadn't really started my history essay and there was a long trek home for me. But finally when Patrick came out, a lot of things were justified. Here was this man--the memory that sticks out for me was getting through 2.5 hours of orgo at kamsc and knowing that I was going to CD Warehouse to finally buy Magic Position. And then just blasting that in my car and it was all I basically listened to for a month and I carried around the CD case for two days in class cus it made me so happy. And I printed off pictures of him and put them on my planner to make me happier at kamsc. AND HE WAS STANDING THERE OUTSIDE A CLUB IN LONDON. I was trying not to freak.
   I zoned and finally when I came back in he had come over to us. I couldn't really speak because all I had to say was, "Omg, I've loved you since I was 16, your music got me through orgo, thank you" cus that would be a jumble and yeah. So I just introduced myself and he made sure to get my name right and then Roy and Nina and he talked about the gig and the sound, etc and I was thinking, "He's so tall in real life!" Before I missed my chance, I asked for a pic and then it was funny cus he kept talking to Nina and Roy was waiting to take the picture and I was like, "Picture with Patrick Wolf!" AND HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME AND ALL LEANED DOWN.

I LOOK SO HAPPY IN THIS PIC. And then we left and I was trying not to freak again. There was no night bus from there so we walked to Euston where there was no night bus then we just flagged a cab and went to Nina's so I could get my stuff. Then She and Roy walked me out to Waterloo Road where I flagged another cab and got home around 2. 
   Wednesday was Ben's bday and Michelle's. I talked to Ben for like twenty min but I was all crazed and running late putting on makeup cus we were going out to dinner for Michelle's bday. We went to this Indian place in the East End called Tayyabs and it was so cheap and amazing. There were dishes covering every inch of the table. Samosas, naan, tikka masala, mango lassi, everything. Then we came back to mine and basically just played music and talked and drank some wine and stuff. It was nice. Oh! I also wore my dress from Salvation Army that cost me less than 4 pounds and it was awesome. And I kept up with a gangle wearing heels. So that's my life in a nutshell. Classes have ended. I have three weeks to write 12,500 words and Psychoanalysis was shot down and basically...I'm not despairing and don't know why. Am having a sleepover with Michelle and Niko tonight and last night's hypochondriac worry was perforated uterus. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday. Niko leaves on Thursday. Michelle and I sat in the grass for half an hour yesterday waiting for the swings to open up. It was nice to be outside. It's spring!

1 comment:

  1. Yay spring! Also I hope that your uterus is alright. Also, lovely pic.!
