Saturday, April 9, 2011

BOREDO[O]M and so. much. rambling.

Why oh why does it have to be nice outside and I have total lack of will to do anything productive. Things I did do: finished The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, went through a book for Psychoanalysis, went through a book for Shakespeare, went to the library, ate lots of food, watched like three or four eppys of Big Bang (Season 1 and Season 4 are best). At one point I turned on my computer to start working on creative writing and I got as far as opening my documents folder before I watched Big Bang again and then started skyping with Obi and eating copious amounts of food. Then my computer was on for too long so I took a break and I'm running out of things to clean and organize in my boredom. I straightened up a drawer and my desk and washed the dishes. I am currently back on the sadness train, listening to musicals and Chris Bathgate and feeling sorry for myself because I know things can't always be perfect, but I thrive on a little drama, but I have no meter so I bring it all on myself. I feel out of touch. And bloated. Can't forget bloated. I've been craving chai in the middle of the afternoon and I find that weird but I indulge. Isn't flucloxacillin a silly name? Say that five times fast. Mmm I think part of it is homesickness cus the other day we were out buying a pizza and eating in the park and spring/summer here feels like home, like when you ignore work in order to go out and play and you go buy junk food and life becomes an adventure as you walk around eating things that aren't good for you in the warmth and dwindling sunlight. All the Michigan folk music makes me homesick, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. It makes me hope for the best for next year--that there will be good parties, good people, I will enjoy my classes and my life, I will dress funky and will sit on the grass when it's warm. I will be ok with going home as long as it's not too boring--if I get gigs like Breathe Owl Breathe and Chris Bathgate (maybe at the Strutt, maybe not), walking around K, walking around town in general, going to Kazoo Books and petting the cat, going to Waterstreet!!!! and drinking loads of chai shakes with dark chocolate flavoring, visiting Ann Arbor, being with my crazy, crazy friends. I was walking earlier and thinking about that--how some of my friendships just sort of fell into place because of our common wackiness, and here you really have to prove that to people, show your wackness and prove it before you can reach that point where you're talking about your genitals in detail with them, talking about daddy issues, rubbing their ass with your feet like a cricket until they fart really hard in your have to build up to that shit with people you don't know. To cuddling on Parliament Hill on a stolen airplane blanket. OMG PANERA. I can't wait for Panera. The hardest part is knowing that I will be missing England through all this. Girl nights where we watch shit tv or a good movie and do henna and talk about guys. The beach...I feel greatly conflicted. OH SETTLERS OF I miss you. Video Hits Plus. Three Rivers. Lowry's. The highway. Rave. K's campus. My house. Patty's house. My mum's Subaru and driving. Den pops. Late night walks with Theo, Devin, and Evan. My family randomly coming up to Michigan. I am now listening to Graham Parsons. I thought you should know. I am also really sleepy again.


  1. Theo Kuepfer: Bringing home TO YOU in less than a month. Also bringing Puerto Rico!

  2. Just read this again. It continually strikes me how much you are continually growing. I feel very proud of you, and I feel very lucky to have you as a friend to go on those long night walks with you and play settlers of catan.
