Friday, September 24, 2010

chill Friday night

Hiya. Not much to report. I didn't blog yesterday cus even less happened. Aside from more flat bonding. I thought it was going to be really awkward once some people left the kitchen, but Arif, Arun, Alison and I sat around talking (about British TV--FINALLY!!!) for a looong time, to the point where Charlie came back in the kitchen and Michelle came and knocked on the door and started chatting as well. It was super chill. We talked about tv shows and music and cultural differences I guess. Arun's been ALL OVER cus his mum is a flight attendant so apparently they get tickets for cheeeeeap. Anyway, so we talks for over two hours, until someone asked the time and I scrambled to get a shower and went online hoping to talk, but there weren't many people online and I was so dead tired I went to bed.
Today's purpose was to get oyster cards--to order them on paper at Student Funding. The guy at the desk seemed tired, but he explained to us, the most clearly so far, that all we had to do was just order the card, wait to get it, AND THEN go and put whatever plan we wanted on it. How simple is that? So I ordered my card with a rather unfortunate picture from facebook (see below)

They said that they wanted head and shoulders, which makes it more funny that I'm squishing my neck up all tight. Anyway, it's the clearest picture of my face, so I went with it. Then I skyped with home, but I'm sad that just as I was about to get into a nice convo with Obi, I couldn't! So we've made plans to chat later on. 
Michelle has been pressing me to do touristy things, so we paid 5.50 to go to the Clink. That's a prison museum. I had been feeling super crampy all day and it was freaking cold and windy out so I wasn't thrilled, even though I wanted to go, but when I paid and went into the building, I panicked slightly and silently. Mostly because they had audio of people screaming in absolute torment and a child crying. They had a lot of information on the walls, but it was honestly too dark to read a lot of it. This was the kind of place that had fake people in it, too, which made it a little more creepy. It was hands-on as well. 
So we moved through, learning that prostitutes were imprisoned a lot, and that women with children were imprisoned. They considered children like miniature adults so they were responsible for themselves. People had to pay for their shackles and food and whatnot and if they couldn't afford it and there were no donations, they starved. They say that the prison is haunted. It's been around since like 1177 (?) or so. Towards the end, there was a display of a child in a bed raised a bit off the floor and that was kind of a luxury because the prison would flood. People also ate rats for lack of anything else and sometimes fattened up the rats beforehand. I'm sure you wanted to know that. Then we got our pictures taken in the death chair (death by choking?), which we can retrieve online but I have yet to do that.
After that dark and dingy place, we came back up to street level and wandered over to Borough Market. SO MUCH GOOD STUFF DEAR GOD. Cheeses and meats and fresh fruit and veg and beer and wine and bakeries and places to eat. Some other time maybe. This time was just to get our taste buds going (and because we had just been to Tesco Superstore). After that we stopped at Sainsburys and I just got another milk and more cereal. I'm glad Anna basically pointed out that fruit can go in one's cereal cus I've been doing that with my bananas. 
Since that point I've just been chilling in my flat. Standing in the open air for a play did not seem appealing to me today so I spent my time indoors, watching the Inbetweeners (the new series just started here--so exciting!!!), which made me laugh out loud. It's so ridiculous! I've also been watching the Mighty Boosh, which Arun loooooves. He even pulled out his phone and started playing the song from the Tundra eppy and he knows all the words. So funny. 
Oh, and I just got e-mailed my timetable finally for English. My Tuesdays are not great, as I mentioned already. I go 10-11, 1-2, and then 4-9. I have two seminars on Thursday though so that's a bit better. Then I have my history class Friday 10-11 and a seminar for it at some point in the afternoon, but hopefully not the 4-5 one. I don't think I'll know until class. Speaking of class, I'M SO READY FOR IT TO START. I want to meet people. I'm bored and I know that sounds crazy but I'm in between on all the important stuff right now so I just want to be completely settled. Once class starts, I won't feel like I'm ambling anymore and I can make it my backbone to making any other important plans or simple plans to go to museums, etc.
Oh! And we ran into Flynn today, and only hours before I was joking that we'd never see him again. But he is alive and well. 

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