Saturday, September 18, 2010


I waited so long to just say that I just touched down in Londontown and now I have no spirit for it.
It's my first time out of the country and it's already blowing my mind.
Check-in went very smoothly at the airport and then our flight was delayed 45 min for boarding and another half an hour while we sat in it on the runway. It was super quick though. We booked it from there to a different terminal and only had to wait like 20 minutes to board the 7+ hour flight to London. I was not looking forward to it. I ended up at first sitting next to a woman based out of London, but originally from Nigeria, which made me a little happy cus obviously she made me think of Obi. She had the wrong seat though but her replacement was nice. We ended up having a screen to ourselves like Rachel had told me about. I watched Little Miss Sunshine and was able to ignore the fact that we were airborne and it made me laugh. We were served dinner towards the end. We had a really cool male flight attendant who joked with us. After dinner was picked up, they turned the cabin lights off and most people curled up (as well as you can in an economy seat), and slept. Michelle was OUT. I only slept lightly maybe twice, frequently turning on the screen to check our progress. I was terrified when we were clear over the Atlantic and there was turbulence...
That flight was so long! They served us warm croissants and fruit an hour before we landed. Michelle kept turning to me with the grin that only meant: "We're here." I felt sick. Lol. And tired! We first followed the signs and waited in line to go through the border agency, who were kind of meanish but the guy I had was witty-mean. I had to scan two fingerprints and talk to him about what I was doing in England. Then Michelle and I got our bags and there. were. so. many. We then had a scary scrambling moment about what the fuck we were to do to get to our room. No signs for a shuttle and we had too much stuff to maneuver. We decided to do what we were told not to do--get a taxi to our dorm. At least we were splitting it, right? And the lady at information said it would only be 60 pounds. Our driver was nice but quiet and old so he had not very good eyes. He took us to Dover St instead of Great Dover St and then kept the meter running while he looked up our street on his map. (This is weird because London cabbies have to pass a test proving their knowledge of the roads and routes. He was licensed at least.) We finally got there to a fee of 77 pounds, and unsure whether to tip, I just gave him 80 cus he kind of messed up. Whatever. We got to our place with all of our stuff safely.
We both checked in with ease and were given our keys. Great Dover Street Apartments are divided up into blocks, then apartments, then individual rooms. I'm 5H, so naturally, floor 5, right? Wrong. Floor 3 because there are multiple apartments per floor. Which I figured out after many elevator trips lugging all my shit, wishing for nothing more than a shower, a meal, and a bed. Then my key wouldn't work so I left my stuff and had a senior student help me. She opened the door no problem. I felt shamed. But at least I had my room!
I dragged my stuff in the door and looked at the bathroom. I almost cried. You'll understand when you see pictures. My first thought was, "I signed up for nine and a half MONTHS of this?!" I despaired. But at least it's my own bathroom. I spent time unpacking all my things and getting settled. Finally got a hold of Michelle again and took a shower before she came over. We were both starving so we just went to a pub called Roebuck's down the road. I didn't want to drink and we took a look at the menu. Nothing good. So we walked out and on the road, by this time I was beginning to feel sick from hunger and fatigue.
We settled for a cafe where I committed the faux pas of ordering at the counter, not realizing it was a sit-down place. As I waited for the food, the floor was tilting up and I couldn't focus. I managed a few pieces of bread from my sandwich and a few bites of "salad" (corn, cole slaw, lettuce, shredded carrot, three small slices of cucumber, and two tomato wedges). Then I told Michelle I needed to go back and sleep.
So we came back to our building and split up, arranging to meet later on to plan what to do tomorrow. I set up my plug adapter and then peaced out in bed. I then went wandering for Michelle's room, forgetting the number, but no luck. So I'm here, regaling you readers with my troubles.
I know it's the first day. After the bathroom, I kept telling myself it's a learning experience and it will be ok. I just can't believe I'm here for 9.5 months. That scares me. Am I ready for this? I can't believe it's actually happening. It's hard because I have to make friends all over again, although everyone I've talked to is really nice. I think things will be better once school-type things start happening. Also, must talk to people of my apartment asap in order to discuss food and dishes cus I certainly can't afford to eat out all the time, which I'm going to have to do at least through tomorrow. ALSO ALSO, first impressions driving through London are that it's not that intimidating! I mean, I've been to New York, etc. It's like that. Any other big city. Just old. I was almost disappointed. Lol. But I have yet to go on adventures deep into its heart...


  1. I like Kelloggs cause it has the British greeting "ello" in it like... "Ello Govna!"

  2. oh this is cute little elissa. I hope your bathroom isn't too bad! I'm sure you'll get used to it and it'll work out and feel like home soon enough.

    this DOES remind me of xanga.

  3. First thought upon reading:

    XANGA 2.0!!!!

    second thought:

    I love tiny rooms. They always make me feel like I need to be super efficient and neat and stuff. I think you will come to love your space, especially since it is YOUR space. Just remember that. :D

  4. First day survived! It's all up hill from here. 9.5 months is not that much. It's just a bunch of tomorrows. Lovely tomorrows in lovely London. It's just a big old city that needs a hug. An Elissa hug. Love you!

  5. Nice to Skype with you this morning. Was hoping for another update of your day. Rachel is right, listen to her. Love you much! Mum.

  6. But I'm SO busy. I'm hopefully going to try to write today, but I'm busy until at least 8pm. Then tomorrow I'm booked ALL day. After that, I have Wednesday through Sunday basically free before classes begin.
