Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What I learned today

  • Shuttle buses don't always go the routes that they're labeled to go.
  • Where the shuttle bus leaves from Guy's Campus.
  • London drivers are angry people.
  • The RV1 is MY route! Stops RIGHT OUTSIDE Strand Campus.
  • Not really how to navigate my own way through a strange (and huge) city. (There was a brief moment of panic when on a bus caught in a horrendous jam, but then I got off.)
  • Not having a phone here yet really puts me in the shit. 
  • I still don't understand how oyster cards work. 
  • Some English people speak really, really quickly.
  • That even when I'm back at home (gdsa), and seemingly safe and content, loneliness will creep in, and when I'm standing in that tiny ass corner of a shower, adjusting the water temperature a small amount for a gigantic change, I will think about my life in Michigan and feel completely...in between. Missing someone but not knowing what it means right now or what it means for the rest of my life, or even the next few years. 


  1. Transport cards that basically make travel cheaper. They make a bus ride go from two pounds to 1.20 and they work on the tube as well, but you have to punch in AND out so it knows how far you went and can calculate the correct fare for that distance. etc etc.

  2. it was Friedrich Nietzsche who once said “There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness." TAKE FAITH IN NOT KNOWING, YOUNG ELISSA, FOR IN TIME ALL THINGS IN LOVE AND WAR WILL BE CLEAR.

    I've bookmarked your bloggie and I look forward to reading your entries and commenting on 90% of them, hope that's okay!

    also while you're over there, snag me a pretty british girl with an accent and send her my way, alright? at least give her my number. only half joking here.

    love you proud of you encouraging you to live in the moment,
    al rey

  3. Al, I don't whether your comment or Anne's was the best so far. But that was really great to hear. :)

    Also, I hear London girls are slutty...
