Sunday, September 26, 2010

My life is kind of a mess...

So. Yesterday we went to Strand area in order to open bank accounts, which was successful, although we don't get our debit cards for ten working days. The guy who set my account up was really nice. He told me I had a nice name (but he was wearing a wedding ring, so don't get any silly ideas!). Then the phone place was CLOSED!!! All weekend. So I guess that'll happen when I come to Strand for classes. We got chai lattes at Apostrophe (insert all sorts of umlauts and other symbols to make it look more hip), which were pretty bad and def. a waste of money. Because it was sunny (albeit a little chilly cus of the wind), we decided to "amble" back to home and to stop at Tate Modern on the way.
I have to say that Tate Modern was a bit of a letdown, though we only went on one free floor (we were tired!). And I guess it was a bad idea to go on a Saturday, but it was busy and we pretty much only looked at modern art, which is kind of stupid but ok. It def. straddles a line. So hunger brought us home after five hours of walking around. Are we in Europe enough that it's ok for people to snog full-on in public? When we were walking the Thames diversion path, a couple stopped by a tree and just kissed for a minute, then just started walking again. There were so many people around! Also a couple was being kissy in the Tate. Am I just jealous? Probably. But I still think PDA like that is weird.
Anyway, so I came home and made a better grilled cheese, ham, and pesto than the other night. So good! And I kind of sat around watching shows and doing su doku. Made plans to get a drink with Flynn. I looked up places that carried Brothers cider, so Flynn, Michelle, Arif, Flynn's friend Tom, and I ended up going to Southwark Tavern, this really cool place near Borough Market. They have "cells" in the basement which are really more like little rooms that they've remade into booth areas. So we snagged one of those just as some people were leaving. The conversation was ok. A little awkward where everyone paused and sipped at their drinks, but overall I didn't see it as a failure. Because I still need to build up my alcohol tolerance, and because that damn thing of cider was so big, I was already feeling it in my head and had just over half a pint. Sad, I know. But it was good! They didn't have strawberry pear cider, just pear, but it was still good. So we stayed there for two hours and then I was ready to head back. I was goofy and such until Michelle worried that Tom couldn't wait to get away from us so from that point all I did was worry. And the night for me kind of turned into a mess.

It was weird because Tom asked what our favorite thing was about Britain so far and I drew a total blank. It's not even that I'm not having a good time, it's just completely not what I expected. I've barely met any English people, aside from those in my flat. I've met mostly other American study abroad kids and maybe two or three European study abroad kids. That's why I'm so anxious for classes to start. It's not really fun to do all this stuff without certain/different people. I'm mixed up right now.


  1. Why does one have to build up their tolerance to alcohol? Why isn't acceptable to just have maybe one alcoholic drink and drink non-alcoholic the rest of the night? Really? I don't get this. Show me where it says drinking alcohol is good for you, other than maybe a glass of wine or two a day.

  2. God Mum you're so touchy! I mean it more like I should be able to have even one pint without it going to my head! I had just over half a pint and it was already affecting me. It's kind of awkward.

  3. Eat first. Some people are more sensitive to alcohol.
