Friday, January 14, 2011

Almost there

   So I'm in the middle of another extremely vivid (and this time around extremely fucked up) dream week. Last night's dream was some sort of continuation of the night before. Marshal, Obi, Chelsey and I were having one of our movie times like normal. We were watching a horror movie and then somehow I was on facebook. Then it was my birthday (these details just bled into the dream). And Theo's mum came to the door to wish me happy birthday. Luke was in the background. We talked for like fifteen minutes and by the time I came back there was this huuuuuuge IM list all in one window of all the people who had facebook IMed me in the short time I was gone sending me happy birthday messages but now they were all offline and I felt bad for missing them. The movie was still going on. Marshal was a strong presence in the dream. And then at the back of my mind I knew that at the end of the day I was going to get to see Theo again, and I even had this idea that he was going to come surprise me and show up while we were watching the horror movie. And then I woke up to my alarm. That was the tamest brother won't tell you the details of the others cus he told me never to tell him again lol.
   Yesterday I was so bored I was sad and thus I grasped for old tv shows. I watched an eppy of the IT Crowd and it made me laugh out loud and it was just last summer wrapped up in a funny package. (So I've been watching it more today). I trekked out into the humidity to see Nina, and man, was that worth it. We painted our nails and kind of ignored this one show but overall we talked a lot and it was GOOD talk. And slightly unnerving that I kept making her just burst out laughing (unnerving because I didn't know why), but I really do feel like, not that we're really similar or have the same opinions on some things, cus we don't, but that the way we talk about things and maybe approach things or something is largely the same. I feel like good conversation comes easy with her, like I'm not trying really hard and we can talk about serious things or funny things or whatever. It was just a good evening.
   Today was my official Irish Lit exam, and boy, do they take their exams seriously here. A huge conference hall acrossish London with like 1000 seats of multiple exams happening at the same time. And I literally started not feeling well just as I walked to the tube station. But I made it through the exam and honestly, that's the best I think I've ever felt about a prior-disclosed exam. I only prepared like three days in advance and only looked over my notes like two times today. I think what really helped was that one of the questions I really identified with or meant something to me. And that's something I was talking to Nina about last night--studying literature here I feel like I'm somehow getting closer to the text than I have at home. Maybe it's the small groups. Maybe it's being in England. Maybe its the no pressure throughout the semester and then lots of essay choice at the end. Last night I thought back to my satire class from last year--it was great, I loved the teacher, I loved the books, but I never really got close to them. In class it was kind of a what's what of pop culture referencing and thus only like four guys in the class got everything thrown out. It was entertaining but I didn't take much away from it. Whereas in my classes here, even though I've definitely felt like a lot of the stuff I learned was bullshit or I would never use again, somehow there was an essay at the end that I really connected with and gave me some saving grace for what I went through in the semester. Majoring in English here isn't as big as it is at Michigan, so maybe that's why I feel like things get more personal. Half Michigan are fucking English majors frequently majoring in something else and it's just a mess. While I do like being able to pick from a bigger variety of classes, I do value the experience I've had thus far here. And I just love books. Also, I told Nina that her book collection just makes me happy cus we have similar taste and because some of the stuff she had to read for class was by authors that I had had to read. I've just done so much fucking growing. Podcast, new people, literature. Love it love it.

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