Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am still alive...barely

   So basically the British exam system is stupid. I've probably said this before but what happens is classes ended December 17th and my essays are due January 10th, and I have an essay exam to prepare for January 14th. I can't begin to tell you how horrible it is to have essays looming over you the whole of winter break, when everything is supposed to be DONE, you're supposed to eat lots of food and not worry AT ALL. But no, I freaked out for like two weeks and did research, then I ignored everything (but it was in the back of my mind) while Obi came and I went to Spain and then reality hit when I got back and I've literally spent hours and hour each day writing. My British Lit and Cinema essay actually excited me, although 4000 words is a fucking large amount of words. I wrote it in two days basically powering through everything. I am a fucking beast. My real problem with this thing is that libraries close, so you have to get your shit and get out. And I can't concentrate on two major things at once, which is why I wrote most of one paper in two I could get to the paper I'm actually worried about--Jacobean theatre.
   I had to leave my room yesterday to make it to Senate House Special Collections so I could actually have a physical copy of the play in front of me to read it, as opposed to frying my eyes and brain further trying to read 200 pages online. I found out that I had to order the book to be "fetched" and it wouldn't be available until today. So I got a late start but made it in and because it's an old book, I had to read it on a pillow on the table with a special string of weights to hold it open. But I got it done and bought a new phone (O2 is retarded cus you can't just buy a phone, you also have to buy top-up, so I have another sim card worth ten pounds...) and returned SOME books to Maughan, whose entrance and exit gates currently beep at me because I owe an increasing fine.
   Anyway, I came home and was productive, reading more criticism. Then I had the task of making my essay plan and as I looked at all the papers and notes strewn about I literally just felt like crying. But I did that and then I was like I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE so I skyped for over two hours and then couldn't find my motivation so I ate a chocolate muffin in sadness and solitude. After a shower, I tackled the Jacobean essay for an hour and got through about 800 words. Not a bad start. Tomorrow I have job training so wish me luck with that! Then it's at least covering The Duchess of Malfi for jacobean, if not getting to The Widow as well, and probably deciding what I'm writing about for Irish Lit essay exam. Saturday it's finish and edit brit lit, finish jacobean (edit on Sunday), probs gathering books time this weekend. Ohhhhh how I have erotica ideas floating around my head and already writing themselves a bit but I can't stand to look at a word document for awhile...even writing this my fingers are like...Elissa...please...

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