Monday, January 24, 2011

blah blah blah

   I don't know why I'm blogging necessarily. I don't have much to say but I feel like typing and I feel like squaring away my life. Because that's been happening a bit more maybe in the past two days. I am still getting over the toothness...I really want to eat lots and lots of foods that I can't eat and chewing on one side of my mouth is not fun. I'm worried about site infection because for the first two days after the extraction I rinsed with salt water only like twice with like an eight-hour gap in between. And then I took salt in a tupperware container to work to do it lots of times there. Work is ok and bearable only because I do it two days in a row. Although Sundays can be quite hard, as people are having tea and don't like the intrusion. But yesterday we got out half an hour early so that was nice (I hope we're still getting paid). Lea, Michelle, and Mini came over for some tea and we chatted for about two hours and then I talked to Theo for about two hours and even though I was really tired, I listened to lovecast before bed and did sudoku. I am going to buy a new sudoku book this week (I don't know if I can find a new puzzle to get into). Also, I don't know how/if I'm going to be able to break this habit/ritual that I've gotten used to should I become swamped with homework. I wasn't last week cus there wasn't loads of homework and I didn't have access to history readings. Also, I have a conundrum about missing history classes this semester due to Globeness. But I can't give up the Globe and I must talk to Jonathan and hope he understands.
   I think the best thing about this semester is going to be my teacher for two of my classes (good thing I like her!): Literature and Psychoanalysis and Creative Writing: the Novel. I love her. She is wacky and cool and does loads of accents and the correct pronunciation of German, French, etc. names and her accent reminds me of Drew Barrymore in Ever After. It's twinged with an American accent because (I'm guessing) she does an American accent quite a bit. She is uh-mazing. I am a bit more reserved in CW because it's a bigger class and I know a lot of the people from classes last semester so I'm shy, but she mentioned erotica like three times as a genre so I had to go up to her after class and tell her that was so cool because I write erotica. I think it's going to be a good semester as far as those classes go. Reading thus far for litpsych (as I will call it for short) has not been heavy, but I think the final paper is going to kill me (4500 word pyschoanalytic paper). And in creative writing we get to read some really fun and good stuff (Middlemarch finally, Ellen!). Yeah. :)
   Today I haven't done much. Lots of Psych (the show, I guess I've decided to watch it from the beginning), lovecast/sudoku, and a bit of reading for school. Tomorrow I do Sexpression again, which I don't necessarily look forward to because it involves getting up to an alarm. And I teach STIs again...blah. But relationships on Thurs, so new stuff! OH. Most important bit is I picked up London Student (a newspaper) on Friday and I have planned some more museum touristy stuff for the next few weeks! Finally going to get out there again! Also, I am planning rewards for myself to get through the semester: haircut (needed) for making it halfway through work to be schedule in about a week's time, and possibly some nail polish, and a small amount of retail therapy some point after that. Within reason, mind you, just one new pair of pants and a shirt maybe. At Uniqlo...I was looking at their website and they have some pants for fifteen pounds. So I think I'll be ok.


  1. Oh Sexpression is blah already is it :-p

  2. Lauren? Ha. I was just bummed to teach STIs again, but it went well! Loads better than last time. :)

  3. have you been to topshop yet?????

  4. Yeah but that shit is expensive and...too trendy for me lol.

  5. Sudoku is good for the brain, but STIs are not.

    I wish that there had been an "a" between "I picked up" and "London Student...on Friday" and without the parenthetical insert in that statement.

  6. P.S. I know why you're blogging. To keep members of the non-Londontown community appeased with knowing what you're up to and whether things are going well. Because we miss you. Otherwise, you'd be bombarded with questions. That's a hint to post again soon.

  7. Haha, at the beginning people got annoyed when they asked what was up and I said to read my blog. But I'm glad you're enjoying. I can't believe it's been five days...another one coming soon. Promise.
