Wednesday, January 19, 2011

bad first week of classes...and it isn't even over yet.

   Ok so Monday was awful cus I have to get up at 7:30am for ONE 9-10am class. It was really bad, like walking into class 40 min late cus of lots of mix-ups bad. Then I had words with the professor afterward, being an assertive, in-your-face American. Then I went the fuck home and sulked and was tired and ate good food. That night I had a REALLY good conversation with Obi. <3
   Yesterday I had coffee with Mini, which was really nice. Unfortunately, I just barely ate all day. Then I went to the CW event and munched on a bunch of random shit until I was eating some crusty bread and my tooth shell just shattered! Bleeding a bit, freaked out. Katie let me use her phone to call Mum, so I did and then left, taking the tube so I could get home faster, awkwardly holding a bloody tissue and trying not to cry.
   So basically it's a baby tooth that they identified before I left as eating away at itself and that it could fall out at any time while I was gone. The plan was to get it pulled as soon as I got home and then have an implant put in then a cap. Now the plan was sped up. It didn't actually hurt, it was just sensitive. I went home and called the nhs dentist line and they weren't much help and I called the emergency line and the lady was like angry at me for calling! I mean, they can't really blame a kid for freaking out alone in a foreign country! So then I sat online for hours talking to people to distract myself. I talked to Kyle's gf, Natalie, who's a 4th year dental student and she was really reassuring. I went to bed at quarter to ten but every time I was nearly asleep, I caught myself and wouldn't let myself fall asleep cus I was worried about the tooth. Finally I fell asleep in the wee hours and my alarm interrupted a good dream. I printed off the letter from the peridontist and went to Guy's hospital. They have six floors of dental stuff! I filled out paperwork at the emergency place and then got called back and a student looked at me and then presented it to her supervisor. Then I had an x-ray done and sat for an hour in the waiting room. Finally, the supervisor got me again and told me she was just going to pull it there because by the time she scheduled me elsewhere it might not have been done until tomorrow.
   Cue me tearing up slightly, freaking out about shots and being alone in the country and shots in my mouth that I can feel going deep in and if I opened my eyes seeing the needle still there. Not ok. Cold, numb mouth really unnerving. Feeling the strain in my jaw as she pushed the tooth out unnerving. Apparently because the tooth had a massive hole, gum tissue had just grown up inside it. All of this was free. Then I was on my way, lip trembling, wanting to cry a little bit still on the walk home. Overwhelming urge to just drool but didn't want to freak people out and didn't have a tissue handy to wipe my lip. First thing in the flat is go to kitchen and drool blood goo into the sink (I rinsed of course) and then realized there were no paper towels. Sigh. Spent the next four hours on the computer skyping and watching lots of tv and starving my brains out. Finally made ramen and cuddled and then made it out to Costcutter for some groceries. Treated myself a bit to fancy smoothie drinks. Read for psychoanalysis and did podcast in bed. Fluffy duvetcloud :). Then went back on computer with yummy tomato soup. Want sausages. And real food. And pancakes. Dear sweet jesus, pancakes. I'm going to compile a list of foods to eat in the first week of my return home. There is no applesauce here. That is like my go-to mouth-on-the-fritz food. Panera on the way home from the airport, pancakes and hearty breakfast the next day...I am going to live it up. Until then, I am just a chapped-lip, dehydrated, headachey, mouthachy girl.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Elissa... I wish I could send you some chocolate chip pancakes! But I can only send you hopes and wishes that you will feel better soon. Love!
