Sunday, January 16, 2011


   Hey y'all. So I had my first weekend of work. And it wasn't too bad!! The only time it got bad was towards the end today when I was just tired of fucking calling people and it was robotic: call, ring ring ring ring, leave message, hang up, repeat. for like twenty straight minutes. On the bright side I've met some nice people. The girl who sat next to me both days was really nice. Her name is Sara and she's a second year at Queen Mary. And across from me sat a Romanian guy who's studying at King's named Florian. Yesterday a girl named Folu sat at our table and she shared half her sandwich with me when I had forgotten mine. :) Today a British guy called Richard sat at our table (he sat at it yesterday but kind of got kicked out because he had already done it to the more quiet back area). I can't quite figure him out because he's nice when you talk to him but isn't great at continuing conversation. He's doing an MA at King's and we discussed how horribly disorganized King's is. I dunno, so overall work is going well. I made some stupid mistakes in the first hour of the first day but it got better. I had to call one guy back because I missed a whole section of information. I had only like two or three callers this weekend who were really augh. One woman thought the information was too personal so she refused to do the survey and another woman today kind of refused to do it but I think she actually took down the link to do it online. So that's good.
   This is really all I have to report other than that I listened to an album today and it blew the fuck out of my mind and that's exciting.

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