Monday, February 7, 2011

Falling into the two days a week thing again...

   The weather here lately has finally decided to warm up a little bit. Meaning 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning lighter jacket that doesn't absolutely drown me. This also means that they crack the window in the call center at work and a soft, warmish breeze floats in through the window and I am suddenly reminded of home and how much I want to be there (except just not now when the roads are all muddy and gross and there are black piles of snow everywhere). I want summertime at home. I don't even know specifically what I want about it, just the idea of it. I keep thinking about missing Ann Arbor, too, but I don't even want Ann Arbor. Spring and Summer are reserved for HOME. Cus normally by the time April comes, I want nothing more than to get the fuck out of pretentious-ass Ann Arbor and go home where we keep it real. I can't formulate it more clearly than this so I apologize. Just know that I've still got that underlying homesickness. I must say though, Robyn's talk of sitting in parks (on blankets??!) and eating sounds like a good way to leave London. I also know that I'm going to horribly depressed when I get home. It's hard to feel stuck between two places/mindsets.

   I think I might be getting sick. I've had a tickle at night for the past two days and it manifested a bit more last night cus I knew I was going to have to get up. So I had some Airborne for breakfast. And then went to a slightly interesting, but also boring! lecture. And then I got my coursework back. Two British Bs, which, after reading the commentary on my paper, I have a strange feeling aren't really all that different from American Bs. Cus what it comes down to is that my writing didn't really progress that much--I only had to do more of it. And it was still average writing. I was a bit annoyed that Gordon commented that my essay was a bit awkward, but that confidence would come in time, etc. While I feel that that's somewhat true, if you're writing about something that you don't necessarily connect with or put that much effort into, it's not going to be the greatest. Because I was really into what I wrote for British Literature and Film, and I got higher marks. Oh well. Doomed to be average until something comes along that I actually really enjoy.

   Last item of business is what sort of crashed my self-esteem today. I know I'm not "in" your group. I don't take every class with you or know every single little nuance of being a student at King's, but I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to be more open. If you literally make eye contact with someone you know in the hallway, holding their just-received coursework, why would you just walk right by them?? Who does that??? I don't need to needle my way in and replace anyone. I'm only here for three more months. Why can't people just be NICE? I know I'm being a bit sensitive but like, what the hell. It bothers me that little stuff like this bothers me so much. It shows that I let people in and am not treating myself kindly. I don't take good care of myself emotionally sometimes. This needs to change. At the risk of being a social outcast? Or ostracising my friends who are actually my friends? Augh.

   The next two weeks are going to be hellish, but with great scheduling, anything can happen.


  1. Oh yeah. Keeping in real in K-Town. (At least during the summer)

    I'm sorry that the British ppl are stuck up and snobby. But here in A2 we all think that you're super awesome so don't feel too bad. When they're mean to you just mock them silently in your head in a pretentious british accent.
