Thursday, February 24, 2011

My teeth are going to rot out of my head because my lunch was a double chocolate chip muffin and then some gummy bears....

   I should probably stop posting mid-day when I know that more exciting things are going to happen later in the day. But I keep coming back to my blog and started thinking need to write....

  I had my last weekend of work! It was kind of bad because I felt sick the whole weekend from lack of sleep but overall, so happy to be done and so happy that I met some really cool people who definitely helped the time pass and made thing super entertaining. On Sunday, I made mac and cheese for Michelle and I and it was supernice to catch up with her. Surprising how much I can miss that girl when she's gone for a week. I don't mean that in a bad sense, guess we just tight.

   Woke up to Obi Tuesday morning and miss him terribly. There are times, like now, when I want nothing more than him to be in London, wandering around with me...I was just thinking about us wandering through Soho, finding that random magazine shop, him driving me crazy being here, but enjoying his company at the same time. Falling asleep in Costa essentially...and just generally getting lost. Omg gingerbread lattes...I think of them fondly.

   Yesterday we went to the Evolving English exhibit at the British Library. Was very impressive but overall I didn't see the whole thing because there were so many old people who took SO long reading all the things. It was kind of annoying and I didn't have the patience for it. It was set up like they had a long line of really old books (only surviving full copy of Beowulf from like 1000 AD!!) and in front of them a panel with descriptions. People literally were taking like ten minutes at a paragraph. It was ridiculous. And then as I was finally reading the paragraph, someone would lean over to look at the book and cast the paragraph into shadow. ... Anyway.

   So sex. I love the people in my life. Last week I went to bed to a message from Ellen about really fucked up erotic poetry and its interpretation, and I really enjoy that I get these messages of people thinking of me. This morning I woke up to a message from Jackie who said a new girl on RC Review was praising my Clive Owen piece from last year. It makes me so happy! And last night I was skyping with a friend who asked me sexual health advice and I was made really happy again. I love talking about that stuff and discussing it, etc. I feel like this is how I got the British History minor...kind of fell into it because I realized how happy it made me (except empire here...). But yay, sex education. I LOVE Planned Parenthood. I would encourage anyone and everyone in the US to go there because they are the nicest people and the most helpful.

   I have started watching Misfits. It's like upper 50s today. I'm going to try to get my hair cut. I am seeing Robyn and Nina. Every other awkward and confusing thing in my life is made slightly better by dancing around my room in my underwear listening to the Rapture, folding my laundry and eating love hearts.

1 comment:

  1. I want a double chocolate chip muffin. And I just got a haircut. We switched (have a:want b).
