Saturday, November 6, 2010

Go to, go to

   Again in hate with libraries--this time Senate House. Weirdish Friday.
   Last night I didn't have much to do so I wrote for like two hours and finished some new erotica. I was really excited about it and popped my head in the kitchen to ask Arun and Katherine if they wanted to hear it when I was done. So they collected Charli and I read it to all of them when I had finished it and it was well received. What was really nice was that it opened up some dialogue between us as flatmates kind of about what I am going through right now and what we've all gone through in the past. Overall, I felt reconnected with them as flatmates, which was really nice, and it kind of reinforced that should real emotional shit go down, everyone has each others' backs. The three of us just sat around for like two hours (like in the beginning!) and just talked, somewhat losing track of time before I decided I needed bed. It was good.
   Tonight I went to Michelle's Tonight We Cabaret. I kind of went with Sophie and finally met Jingan, so that was nice to put a face to the name. There were mostly singers and some were really amazing. Michelle wrote a monologue which she performed and everyone loved it. OMG the guy who performed in the interval was AMAZING. He is apparently a member of All the King's Men, an acapella group on campus. He basically just sat with a pianist and sang Michael Bubleish, jazzy, cabaret-y tunes, almost better than Buble. AND he played trumpet. He and Michelle were def. my favorites.
   Michelle and I left shortly after she performed, stopping at Sainsbury's for snacks/dinner. We came back to my flat and basically ate and talked for two hours and it was really nice to reconnect with her as well. I think I should make it a point to take time out for people because it makes me feel overall happier to feel like I have good relationships in my life. I should go to bed soon, but I needed some time to defrag on my own. Oh, I wrote a letter of sorts today. It sorted things out a bit, but also muddled things up more. But it was good to figure out my thoughts, to get them out of my head. And I participated once in my history seminar. It's a start. whom?

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