Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's Reading Week-->love/hate relationship with my computer

   Saturday night I went to Nando's for the first time with Winnie and I had two glasses of wine and I was a bit goneish in the restaurant, but it helped to like start talking more about random shit that otherwise I would deem irrelevant. We had a good night, though I was home before 9:30 cus Cambridge was the next day. It was nice to get out of the flat because my essay was hanging over my head and it was kind of lonely.
   I woke up at fucking 7:30 in the morning on Sunday. It sucked. But I did it for Chris Davis. And because it was so early, I felt illish and took my time and missed the 9:15 train that I had planned on taking. The next one didn't leave until 9:52. King's Cross was huge and there were pigeons and it was cold. The train was just sitting at the platform with no announcement that that was the train but it ended up being the correct one. It left just on time, unthinkable to one who has frequently used Amtrak. Of course I couldn't read at all--it was my first time out of London!! Eventually I put on some suitable music and watched the quintessential English countryside go by (there were SHEEP and spotted horses!). Pulled into Cambridge and had to wait like ten min for Chris but it was so exciting to see him. We walked up a street and kind of took a nicer way back to his dorm. The campus is beautiful. I hope you looked at my pictures on facebook. Apparently most of the grass is off limits in terms of walking on it so we relished walking on what we could. I was starving, so we hung around in his room until the food place opened.
   After having worked in EQ's dining hall for a year and a half, going to theirs was oddddd. No gloves, and they have to wear freaking vests and bowtie-type things. I got a sausage, an egg, some hashbrowns and a yogurt container. Chris opted for the baked beans as well. We sat with his friend Theresa from Brown, also on study abroad, and she was really cool. The dining hall was like what you would see in Hogwarts, only three superlong tables. We stopped at Chris' room really briefly again before checking out the Fitzwilliam Museum, which was full of art. I was soooo tired and didn't feel well during the tail end of it. :( The gift shop was really cool--it was like the open air but not space from the V&A, where the roof was just glass so the whole space was very bright and nice. They offered tons of postcards but they were quite pricey. We walked around the town after that, college after college. There was lots of live music in the streets amplified. We stopped in a few shops, like Octopus (I think--trendy kitchen shop. For example, whisks were squids!), Hotel Chocolat (YUM), and this wool shop, where I was reminded that Chris has a thing for needing to feel every material. Then we went to Sainsbury's, where we got some wine and cheese and water crackers for later. We then walked back to his dorm and I played Bananagrams for the first time. I didn't get to peel until the second game, and I think we basically ended on a tie. I made "cunt" and "os" and was really proud of myself.
   Finally the dining hall opened again, and Theresa came knocking to go down to dinner. The place was really dim and freezing. Apparently around 7:30 they begin to kick people out because at that point is a formal dinner which one must purchase tickets for days beforehand and wear fancy clothes and a robe to. It costs around 10 pounds for a three-course meal which Chris said is pretty good and offered it to me, but I didn't want to bring extra clothes. After dinner we went back to Chris' room and had wine and cheese and talked and watched videos and it was really fun. I was so tired so I decided to catch a train shortly after 9. Chris walked me to the train station and saw me off. The train home was non-stop and I just listened to music and reflected. Oh, Chris did indeed serenade me a bit on the ukelele like he promised when I was down, and he gave me LOTS of new music (thank fuck!). Also, before I left he said he hoped it had been a good visit to me, and he gave me a really good hug (I'm a sap, I know) and I just felt really happy to have a good friend in my life.
   Anyway, I got back to King's Cross and took the tube home cus it brought me to a safe drop-off point than the bus. I smiled to myself because I knew, back when I first came here, that at some point I would be able to take the tube by myself without batting an eyelash, but at the beginning, the idea terrified me because it seemed so complicated. Hmmm, somewhere along the way I was charged 4 pounds for nothing but oh well.
   So I got home at quarter to 11 fucking exhausted. Took a shower and then basically straightened out a rather important aspect of my life. Well, things are as ok as they're going to be for awhile. I am happy for the resolution, but...life. Stayed up til 1 and crawled my ass into bed.
   On Monday I didn't get out of PJs until mid-afternoon because I had no clean pants. Had to borrow Michelle's sweats to do laundry in, felt like a grub-pot all day. Spent forever putting new music on iPod. Watched a lot of tv online. I don't even know what exactly I did to be honest--feel like I wasted most of the day. I did skype with Obi for like an hour which made me really happy. He's super excited for his visit in a week and a half. I am excited for Chris to be here and to see Chris Potter. So the night did end up getting better though because, even though most of the laundry didn't get fully dry, I spent an hour with naked/clothes time with shirts draped everywhere in my room, trying things on and listening to music and being happier. I turned off the computer at 11:15 and then read for half an hour. Finally started "Eat Me" which is making me happy but also quite nostalgic. Went to bed happy overall at quarter to midnight and didn't get out of bed until 10:30 this morning.
   Made myself be productive cus first essay is due on Friday. Read an article, made notes. Couldn't stare at computer anymore...so went to computer lab and booked hostels for Spain (planes fucked...doing that tomorrow). At least I got dressed. Had planned on going to jazz at the waterfront but no one to go with, didn't want to go out into the cold if I didn't have to. Sat and listened to Flight of the Conchords RADIO SHOW (Did you know this?!) and did sudoku for an hour before bringing computer into kitchen to start essay. Hate everything because stressed due to different requirements in UK. They want a certain word count, not page count. Stressing cus Niko's got 10 sources, and I have maybe 4, chiefly using ONE. Augh. Alison came home and made dinner, so I left paper and made dinner and chatted with her and Katherine before bringing computer BACK to work more on essay. Scared about it. Give up. Eyes hurt. Head hurts. Talk for an hour with them and Arun about our first impressions of each other. Arun surprised to learn that I thought he was an asshole for like the first three days and thought I'd never be friends with him. :-P Back in room. Not having class is good but not good. Sigh.

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