Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

   Yesterday was GOOD. I kind of was all over the place in the morning because I had to prepare to leave from like noon until at least 9pm. I arranged to go to a museum with Kristen and Marina. It goes to show how far we've come since the beginning. Hopped on the tube after topping up at the convenience store across the street (the Indian owner is awfully chatty and nice) and went to Moorgate, which is one of those outsideish tube stations that has like multiple tracks and is kind of intense. I totally navigated everything with ease and got off at Barbicon and it was a straight shot to Museum of London. I hadn't seen the other for weeks and it was nice to meet up and do a chill walk through of the museum (it was Britain hundreds of thousands of years ago to the present, focusing on London obviously). We went to the pub next door afterward cus their sign advertised mulled wine (wine served warm infused with cinnamon, etc.). They didn't have any though! We wandered along the street and went to another pub, but the barmaid said that they probably would start serving it only in the next week. So we just went to Tesco. Lol! I did the lunch deal for two pounds and got a sandwich (salmon and cucumber ftw!), apple slices and a water. Then I just left cus they were going back home and I needed to go to the library.
   Let me tell you, you can google directions all you want but when you come up from the tube it can get disorienting. I wandered along freezing my hands off cus I was eating my sandwich and hoping I was on the right side of the street and looking for the neighborhood maps that are a godsend. I didn't find any of those but finally I realized I was in Covent Garden and saw the Pizza Express with the creepy Italian men. I missed Chancery Lane and ended up walking down Kingsway, which is REALLY out of the way to get to the library. My lazy ass hopped on the bus which took me around the corner but trust me, it saved me time and gave me a bit of warmth. I was at Maughan for like two hours and the WHOLE time the offprint article I needed was checked out. I must have gone to short loan like five times. Anyway, I read for Brit Lit and then went to the PAWS (computer lab) room to read an article. Then I went to Strand for the Inua Ellams poetry reading. He's a Nigerian poet who is London-based. Creative Writing Soc brought him in. I like his stuff read aloud a lot better than on the page. I liked the way he talked with his hands. He was a bit pretentious though, as I guess you could say about a lot of poets. It was fun though. Everyone got to him first so my idea of having him sign his book was lame by then but I had him sign it anyway. I left while there were still a bunch of people milling around and I was still waiting for the bus when they all came out. When RV1 came, Inua was standing just by the opening. I smiled at him (it felt like a grimace) and I don't think he recognized me!! Lol. By the time I got on the bus and sat at the window, he had realized that he had just signed a book for me and smiled and waved. Awkward. Ohhhh Obi. Yeah so I came home and had to do my grocery shopping at Tesco and then I talked to Obi for like two hours. <3
   Today I was supposed to skype with John for Thanksgiving but he wrote on my wall that he was lost in Tokyo so he didn't show. I drank tea and wasn't productive. I watched half an eppy of Shameless. During my break I booked it to Maughan and read the offprint which actually added a lot to my presentation in Jacobean theatre. For just having to answer a question in class, I was terrified. Like sick stomach and shaky. I'm just so scared of saying something incredibly stupid and having everyone think that I'm the stupid American girl. So basically I prattled through my answer practically reading off my paper and saying "like" too much and almost getting stuck. It was awkward. And I have to do it again next week.
   45 min later I met up with Abigail to walk to the Globe. I really only started talking to her in depth this morning before Irish Lit but we agreed to walk together cus she's directionally challenged even though she's from London. There were about 15 of us. Gordon, my Jacobean Theatre teacher, arranged a tour of the Globe by one of his old PhD students. The Globe is an open-air theatre so it was freezing. We basically walked around the stage and backstage and talked about stage directions and projection. Those were the two most important things I learned. Then we went to a pub literally around the corner from my flat! I'd never been there but it's famous. It was a bunch of little rooms and it was packed so there was no great place for us all to sit and it was just awkward. Waiting at the bar to order is awkward. I just left because I knew it was too heinously disorganized and I had mac'n'cheese at home. Came home and had Kraft for dinner (thanksgiving!) and made chili for later days. Now I'm just not being productive. I'm about to do a Graham pick-me-up. Heavens, how I love him! And hope I can get tickets to his show!!

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