Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflection and other things

I love two and a half years ago. And I'm ok with that. It only makes me a little sad. But I try to be objective somehow.

I've come quite a long way.

I can't believe it's Monday. Last night was good. We began around 7. Alison made savory pumpkin pancakes--basically just pumpkin innards mixed with flour, green onions and some salt. They were good. Shubha made pumpkin pie and there were also pumpkin seeds. WE HAD SKITTLE VODKA. (That is a shot of vodka with a skittle put in it and left to ferment for a few days until the skittle has dissolved.) That stuff was good. It ended up being a girl's night--all the girls in the flat except Hari. I actually really enjoyed it. We watched the Blair Witch Project in the dark, with only the pumpkin lit and the light from the huge window coming in behind us. Hari came in at one point and scared the shit out of us and the movie basically scared the shit out of us. (When I was trying to go to sleep all I could picture was the last scene.) After that we watched some of the extras from New Moon to laugh at them and made it a drinking came in that we had to drink every time they talked about the "evolution" or "transformation" or "boy to man" of Jacob, every time we saw naked torso, every time there was angst, etc. It was really fun to just let loose with the flat.

Today I had to pry myself out of bed, though I was woken up officially before 8 due to slamming doors. I made some toast and talked to Hari a bit. Then I did work for a few hours and after that met up with Emilie and Mini, then Divya and their friend Sam, to go to My Old Dutch, which is a well-known Dutch pancake house in Bloomsbury. On Mondays they do pancakes for 5 pounds. I got the smoked salmon (normally nearly 10 pounds) in a creamy dill sauce with mushrooms but I really only ended up eating the salmon as the pancake part just didn't mesh well with the rest of it. After that I came home and did more hw and watched another eppy of Shameless. I feel like the weekend was sooo long (iknoy) and it's weird to be going back to school tomorrow. But it must be faced! One more week til reading week and that'll go by faster than I realize cus I have my first ever essay due a week from Friday and I haven't even looked at the topics. Annnnd I'm busy like every night through Friday. Such is life, I suppose. Also, I have purple nail polish!!!

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