Sunday, October 31, 2010


   Ok so. I was unaware that last night was a legit Halloweeny type thing and I had barely enough time to get some hw done to even think of putting together a sucky ass costume, so I was an "angsty teenager", something I do rather well, if I don't say so myself. Michelle and I met up with her friend Sophie in Bloomsbury and we went to the free bowling alley party which was lame and the bar was full. We got cocktails and ended up near the like five only lanes of bowling around a table talking. I got a Pin-up Girl and it was sooooo good. Vodka and fruitiness yum yum. We left that place because it was not happening and went to the other bowling alley party that we had to pay 7 pounds to get into. That was fine, the paying of the money. I was going to get a cider, cus they advertised for 2 pounds, but apparently that was the non-alcoholic one so I didn't want to throw away my money. Sophie, who had just gotten a paycheck, offered to buy us drinks, so I ended up getting that cider anyway. We staked out a comfy couch and talked for like twoish hours because we went out so early that nothing was happening yet. They were playing cool funk music, people were eating (the largest pizza I've ever seen in real life), people were bowling (again like 5 lanes). Then this duo DJ set came on and they beat-boxed and rapped and it was ok. Finally, around 10:30, a really sweet band came on. It was just two guys with synthesizers and one of them sang, but it was so danceable and so much fun. Michelle worked it out with some guy, so Sophie and I danced together most of the night. I admit, at the beginning I was super skeptical and kept looking at the time, thinking I would wait til 11 to be a lame ass and want to go home, but dancing and the good music made it all the better. It was really fun. After the band's set was done, we went to the door to get some air and then headed back down to dance some more. At that point there were just DJs playing, and it was fun for a short time more, then I got a little bored and too hot, so Sophie and I kind of agreed to leave. We went close to the door and sat and waited for Michelle, who came along like ten minutes later and reprimanded us for leaving her with a guy she didn't know. Our bad! Won't do that again.
  Sophie lived nearby so she walked home and Michelle and I waited for the bus. She was drunk and was quite talkative and it was funny and I was happy. And tired. We left around midnight and the bus took sooo long it felt like. It seems like traffic gets crazier the later at night in London, but maybe it was Halloween-induced. Anyway, we got off a stop too soon (which we've done once before), and had to walk farther home. At least because it was Halloween there tons of people about and that long way wasn't as shady as it was before. (Or was it shadier because of the drunk people?) But as Michelle kept saying, at least we were together. So we made our way home and at one point we came upon like five drunk and lost guys who asked us what street we were on. Misunderstanding them, they went to turn away when I finally got it and gave British people directions! Lol and the one guy was like, "Thank you. You're gorgeous, you are," before turning away to his friends. Entertaining. We finally got home around 1 and Sophie had texted to say she got home safely. I went up to my room and didn't go to bed until around 2, because my peoples were online and I got to talk to them. Wish Rachel had been there. Miss dancing with her!!
   Didn't sleep the greatest, woke up sad. Going to be awhile before that will go away. Didn't realize that the time change was last night (I had thought it was tonight) until Hari came in the kitchen and said. Made poached eggs on toast (not nice without garbage disposal) and sat in the kitchen finishing Goldfinger. Sad, because I really liked it. Now Emilie had invited me out to "Fuck me it's Halloween" at Debut tonight, but at this point, I don't want to go and jinx the good vibes and also I'd probably die of tiredness after last night. Sooo I shall just stay in with the flatmates and watch hopefully good movies and Alison is cooking again and the skittle vodka has been fermenting for a few days. I haven't showered yet and I'm, as Michelle and Claire would say, "nast." I'm not sure if it's me or something in the kitchen that smells vaguely of vomit. But I didn't vomit. Kind of gross. Oh vell.

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