Friday, October 8, 2010

Good People and Weird People

So. On Wednesday I went with the history society to the V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum), marking my second tube excursion. Basically it was the whole board of the society, who are all British third years, so they kept to themselves and didn't really make an effort to talk to the rest of us, which were basically American study abroad kids. So I made friends with two other girls from America and we toured around the museum for three hours. There is so much to see there we didn't do it all. And I had eaten at like 9:30am but not until after 4pm did I eat again. Augh. We met them in the cafe and then had to wait to take a picture of the group, etc. etc. We got the tube back to embankment and Mirina left but Kristen and I got paninis at this little cafe place near the station. WE WERE STARVING. And it was really awkward because the waitress kept hovering near us the whole time. Then I caught the RV1 back home and did laundry and had dinner essentially.

On Thursday I had class at noon so I went to that and actually talked once, though it was a mediocre statement. Then I walked to Natwest, which was swamped, so I decided not to bother trying to get my debit card. I went to O2 to try to explain the situation but I can't buy a phone without the UK debit card either. So then, because it was decent weather, I found a statue and some steps where I ate my lunch and brooded a bit. Then I had Jacobean theatre. I didn't really contribute to that class because I didn't reread the play and hadn't really paid attention to the themes. After that I walked back to Natwest and they were closed so I went back to Strand because there was going to be a drinks reception for English Undergrads. I still had like forty-five min to kill before that and nothing to do, so I just went home. I was home for maybe twenty minutes and it was Kristen's birthday, so she invited me out to dinner with her, Mirina, Emilie (who I know from gdsa), and Mini (who also lives in gdsa and is study abroad from Australia). So I had to go back to strand area, although for some odd reason, the RV1 stopped completely at Waterloo. There was this very weird, homeless I'm guessing, man on the bus who all of a sudden just started yelling a bit. He kept saying, "Dirty scoundrel!" and threw out the n word a few times (I think) and queer. It honestly startled me because of the abruptness of his yelling. Very odd.
So I got off at Waterloo and had to walk across the bridge to where I normally get off, which is where I told them I'd meet them. We went to a place called Garfunkel's which had a wide variety of foods. I got the cottage pie, which is shepherd's pie with beef. We all got ciders. It was Kristen's 21st birthday so we toasted that and new people. The evening was really fun. Then I got the bus back with Emilie and Mini, and kind of just plopped when I got home. I tried to read but my eyes weren't focusing that well so I just took a shower and vegged. At quarter to midnight, Michelle IMed me because there was a death in her family so I went and talked to her for an hour before going to bed.

Today was the first day of my history class. It was honestly kind of boring, though everyone in seminar said it was exciting. Maybe that's just cus I got like not even 7 hours of sleep last night. After that I went to Natwest and braved the long line only to find out that, even though I got my account two fucking weeks ago, they've JUST ordered my debit card today. So I don't get it for another week and then the pin will follow one or two days after that. I wanted to have a bitch fit at the girl working. I understand that they have a huge influx of students, but WTF. They obviously need better preparation for that. I'm pissed, too,  because Michelle opened her account on the same day and got her debit card in the mail over five days ago. And yet again someone asked me for my phone number today. God.

Augh, now I'm just angry lol. But history seminar was ok. I felt a little superior because it's a first year class and I'm a third year, but once discussion got rolling, I was definitely impressed. It's kind of annoying that we've got at least one of those guys whose personality is just like, he has no qualms about talking all the time and putting his opinions out there and thus being a bit obnoxious. But hopefully I can deal with it. It wasn't too abrasive today. Anyway. Then I came home and did my dishes and kind of realized how gross our kitchen is. There's food around the sink that's been there for days that no one has cleaned and the counters aren't very clean. I will own up to the stove because there's ramen around it, which Michelle and I made the other night here. I don't want to be the one to like go to the flat and be like, "This needs to be done." ...but it does. Oh well. Anyway, it's a beautiful day (not that I care, as long as I don't have to bring my umbrella around with me) and I am trying to see Winnie this weekend and also do some shopping so that's good!

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