Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who knew this is what London was really going to be like?

I haven't written cus there hasn't been much to say. Sunday and Monday I literally didn't leave my building and I read all day for class. SO MUCH READING. My eyes are dead currently.

Last night was good. I caught up with several people and laughed a lot but the feeling didn't last. I went to bed at midnight but couldn't fall asleep for over an hour. Then I woke up at 7:30 and feel back asleep but my alarm woke me up after 8. Hating everything. Took the bus to school. Talked to people in my Jacobean theatre class and like it. Then I went to the Terrazza and read. I decided I wanted more quiet so I was going to just read outside my next class but I ran into Michelle and we went and found out our history seminars. I was in fucking 5PM on a FRIDAY so my next break I went and switched into one of the 1PMs (:-D). Then she and I went outside my next class and talked until she had to leave and I had class. British Lit and Cinema. I felt like the lecture was bullshit but I guess it made a bit more sense when we got to seminar. After that lecture I got lunch really fast and read and then went to as much of the Part-time Work Fair as I could. I only filled out like four things and then I had Irish Lit. Blah that class blah. Then Brit Lit seminar which was ok and she knows my name already and it's only 8 of us now (I wonder if those other few people switched).
I got home dead ass beat and most of my flat was making dinner so I socialized a bit and then kind of did my thing. Then, completely randomly they all decided to go out clubbing tonight but I didn't want to go cus I was gone from 9AM-7PM and I had hw, etc. They all have quite an open schedule and not that much hw--I'm jealousish. But I went to the other flat to drink with them. I had some peach schnapps (bad memories) and a shot of lime vodka. Then I took my leave. Oh, our flat is having a cocktail night this weekend, complete with dressing up. Everyone is responsible for a cocktail. Guess what I'm doing? Erotica. Gin, champagne, lemon juice and sugar. And now I'm in my room bumming. Bumming, bumming. Tired as hell and ish. I wish it would go away.

Tomorrow is free day and the history society is planning a trip to Victoria and Albert. If I get my shopping done in time I shall go cus why not? Then hw and laundry. Yes, I do need a bit more excitement. But I am worried about money a little bit.

So. tired.


  1. Did you end up going to that job fair thing?

  2. Did you not read this entry?

    Yes, I went. I didn't realize there was going to be a queue outside so I was kind of far back and I had class so I was nervous that I would be late. I only stayed at the fair like 20 min (including waiting in line). It was like events workers, caterers for the most part. I signed up for like four things but I dunno what's going to happen cus I don't have a phone yet so couldn't put down a number.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! It' hasn't even been three weeks.
