Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ham and cheese and tears

   So yesterday was supposed to be another fun museum day but in the end people were busy and then I didn't feel well, so I just wanted to go home after class. I fucked around for two hours, but I got to skype with Chelsey and she largely made me happier than I was before. The evening was a bit boring. Half my flat is home for the weekend, so I ended up reading for two hours in the kitchen, meeting Arif's sister, and then watching an eppy of Shameless (James McAvoy!!!). Emilie needed a study break, so I went to her flat and met Divya and we first played BS with her flatmate from Romania. Then us girls just chatted for another hour and a half and had a college hoodie party and then we walked Divya to the bus stop after midnight. Yes, walking around London in my pajamas, no bra, and borrowed Uggs. Then I came home and went to bed and it wasn't great sleep because I had a lot on my mind and then I awoke at 4AM to drunk people in the courtyard and Hari and Meera were wayyy down the hall talking and I could hear them quite well. Finally I dozed off again and woke up to my alarm just before 10 and I got ready for the history walk I signed up for.
   Took the tube again by myself! Basically made slight acquaintances with an older couple, mostly the woman, who chatted to me about being in King's and how her son just completed his PhD there. Then, Polly, who is one of the international welfare advisers was there, and she recognized me just with a smile so I went over and formally introduced myself (she is the one who gave me all my visa advice--I've e-mailed her like 50+ times). She was such a happy and nice person and she gave me a hug upon our introductions. She asked how King's was going and I answered honestly that I was a bit homesick and a bit let down that my reading week plans have fallen through. She said this is about the time in the term where homesickness usually happens and then she gave me a few pointers on organized tours I could do by myself during reading week. It kind of made my morning. Argula arrived after that we went on the EIC history tour led by one of our lecturers. He talked a LOT and basically stopped us for 20 minutes at least of talking. The sun was out but we stopped in shady alleys where the breeze attacked us and we froze. It wasn't that fun, especially cus it ran 45 min over and I was so cold. I only listened to about the first half. Then Argula and I got hot chocolate at Pret and chatted for a bit and then I came home. All my emotions have kind of built up until right now so I'm feeling a little down and I hope that the rest of the day makes up for it. Michelle invited me out to a bowling alley sort of place with some people for tonight so I want to go to that. Chris just made me feel better as well, and now I do have plans to look forward to--visiting him for a day (and possibly a night) during reading week. Exploring Cambridge and all that :) I guess right now it's really going to depend on things to look forward to. Speaking of which, Nina posted that Patrick Wolf is playing the first week of December in a rather small venue just over in Bloomsbury and I nearly shit myself. Second major thing to check off my list. I would see him a million times over and I want to meet him and just augh. That might be the best thing to happen this whole semester, not even going to lie. <3 <3 <3 Thanks to my people.

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