Friday, October 22, 2010


   I went to the Tower today with Kristen, Michelle, Argula, Marina, and Nico (new study abroad friend from California). We spent two and a half hours there and saw the crown jewels (not exactly worth the hype tbh) and really old shit. It was cool. I can't exactly do detail cus I haven't processed it so look out for pics on fb soon and they will be accompanied by details.
   After that we went to Sainsbury's to figure out dinner and I bought pear beer and went back and cooked and got slightly drunk which was fun until it all hit and then it wasn't sooo nice but I drank lots of water and we played cards. Emilie came over, too, which was fun. As I was coming down, we sang lots of explicit rap songs loudly. So fun. Flynn came over!! He and Alison went to play "table tennis." I am in my room, unshowered and gross and ready for bed. I can't stop peeing.

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