Friday, October 15, 2010

I don't party

   Ok so. Wednesday I went to the Imperial War Museum and made friends with a girl from my history class who went along. The museum itself was heavy. We went through an exhibit that was meant to show how a submarine was and just looking at the bunks and stuff made me feel claustrophobic and worried. There were a bunch of tanks and planes and giant shells in the main room. We then went downstairs where there was the WWI and WWII things, which is all I remember. There was just SO MUCH stuff in each exhibit case. Letters, uniforms, poetry, medals, etc. We went to the "Trench Experience" which was a lifesize little walking area with dummies speaking and explosions. It was pretty intense and dark. They had a little nook where a person was being treated for a pretty severe wound. We emerged from there to the WWII section, and because we had a bit of a time crunch, we went to the Blitz Experience first. We had to queue and wait for it, and before it started, I was already freaking out. There was basically a tiny room with a long bench on either side and it was completely dark. Ok, so my impression was that we were going to be sitting there in the dark with no way out and it was going to shake and we were going to hear fake bombs bursting for ten minutes. I panicked to the point where I had to leave before it began and then the museum guy was like, "Too much for you? How about I turn on a light?" And he said I could leave if I needed to. So I said that was fine. Ok, so literally all that happened was a bunch of talking and at the end the bench moved like an inch. Then we were led through another door to "London" and we walked along a street and watched a gasworks get bombed and saw water mains broken and stuff. This was all fake and not to scale. I felt so foolish when we emerged after that. But I would also like to note that the outside of the thing said that it wasn't for people prone to nervousness or whatever so it painted this completely different picture for me. *eyeroll* Anyway, so we went through some of the WWII stuff after that, since Kristen loves that war (in a historical way). Then Marina wanted to skip the Holocaust area because she had just been at another museum about it. So we went to the Crimes Against Humanity area, which was just a movie about genocides throughout the world. That was heavy. We watched like 15 minutes, towards the end of it, and finally Kristen just had to leave because it was making her feel horrible. We wandered around the gift shop and then basically just met the rest of the group and left. I need to go back. That was definitely one of the museums where I feel like I just scratched the surface and there's a lot more I want to look at in-depth.
   After that we went back to Strand, and Argula and I waited for the Creative Writing Society meeting. That was interesting. It was a lot bigger group and there was another guy from our history class there, who is nice enough. (He reminds me so much of Simon Boehme physically--it's so strange!!) We did a lot of icebreakers then making up stories with random words and then talked about upcoming events. Their events actually seem legit and cool, but the meetings are two hours long, which is kind of insane. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I was fine at the beginning of the meeting but I was dehydrated so halfway through I was like, "I want hoooome." I toughed it out and went home and did reading or something.
   Thursdays are really weird. I start out with seminar for Irish Lit, which is intimidating cus people are so gung ho with their opinions. More to come on that later. I didn't say anything but the hour passed quickly. After that, I decided to brave the walk to Senate House Library, who had another of the history books I needed. I got lost cus I went down Drury Lane instead of Kingsway (and then had the muffin man song stuck in my head!). I reluctantly drew out my London A to Z map and resumed the right course. Fucking Senate House is so far away. I FINALLY got there and got my book and asked the guy working if there was a bus that picked up near there. He was really nice and looked it up on tfl for me and I found the bus stop and it dropped me off right in front of campus! Then I had Jacobean theatre, which I loooove mostly because Gordon is so awesome. And before class started, I began talking to a girl called Jo cus she's in Irish Lit as well and just switched into my seminar and we were talking about how awkward discussion is cus it's way too open and she was like, "Yeah, did you notice that there was basically this huge awkward pause at one point?" And there was, it was pretty bad. I just thought it was funny. THEN I WENT HOOOOME. And it was good. Lots of productive reading and Peep Show happiness. That show is so hilarious btw.
Today I had to get up for history and I was so tired cus the girl who lives below me fucking coughed ALL NIGHT and kept me up. Lecture was so long and brutal and fast. Then I GOT MY FUCKING DEBIT CARD. And I got my pin yesterday so I was all set and basically squeed inside all the way to O2 where I GOT MY PHONE. And it was good. Had seminar, went home, talked to home, notably my brother and Ashley and it was nice. Then two and a half hours of reading and I am relatively caught up in my novel for Brit Lit. I watched Alison cook some and then we sorted all the accumulated recycling while the other flat on our floor partied hard. One of the guys was stopping the door open as we went by with all of our bags of recycling. At least I'm saving the earth! And I do have to get up early tomorrow cus sexpression training is this weekend!! I am a happy girl!!

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