Thursday, December 30, 2010

getting to Madrid

   so basically i´m typing on a spanish keyboard so forgive me for weird punctuation and lack of capitals. i went to bed just before 11 on tuesday night after a weird sleep schedule the day before of getting obi up for his flight. i woke up at 2ish am and couldn´t go back to sleep because i was scared about missing my own flight. i finally got out of bed at 3:30 and ate a small bowl of cereal and got dressed. then i caught my cab and was happy that there were actually people waiting at the bus stop already for te 4:30 shuttle to gatwick. i tried to sleep for most of the busride, which translated to me being deep in thought and half asleep. we got to gatwick and i could barely function to the point where, when the shuttlebus dropped us off, i didn´t know where to go and had to be prompted by a guy to get out of the elevator. buuut i ultimately found the check-in, did so, and then had some time to wait because my gate wasn´t even announced yet. i went to boots and got a one liter water bottle and some toothpaste because i forgot mine. then i did some sudoku until they announced the gate.
   the flight was uneventful. but i was so tired that i actually did fall most of the way asleep. the only thing that sucked was i couldn´t lay on one side because the guy in my row didn´t shut the window and he was sleeping too so i didn´t want to wake him up to ask him that. but i survived and had to actively keep myself awake as we were descending. it was surreal to finally be in another country. i got my passport stamped and then got my suitcase. i stopped at tourist information to ask about metro cards before i headed that direction. then i found i was behind two girls roughly my age that had sat in front of me on the plane. so i asked them where they were staying and even though they were staying with a friend, they still had to travel part of the same way as me, so we banded together. and one of them paid for my metro ticket when my debit card was declined. i really would have despaired without that kindness. so we rode the metro together until nuevos ministerios and then i completely lost them, but i gave up. an old couple took pity on me and asked me where i was going. then i had to buy a ticket to take a train. i wandered up and down not knowing which train to take cus there was like 9 lines. i asked about a bajillion people, utilizing the little spanish i have retained. finally i got a security guy and he directed me correctly and understandably. so i found my train and took it one stop to sol.
   i emerged in the puerta del sol and thought my hostel was right on it but the guy there told me otherwise and i am pretty sure he sent me in the wrong direction. so i stopped in the plaza to cool down and look at the directions again and the map. having reoriented myself, i found the street and walked up and down it and there was no clear sign. then i read the booking again and found the right door. except then i buzzed and didn´t press the correct button to get in, but the guy buzzed me in anyway. and i arrived at my hostel, in a foreign country, by myself.
   i took some time to set up my space and then played sudoku until i forced msyelf to go out. i walked to the puerta and walked up and down at least three streets looking in the stores and stuff. finally i sat in the puerta for half an hour waiting for devin to call. nothing, and only having had some oatmeal squares and some pretzels in addition to cereal, i went to a chain kebob place where i had its namesake. and then i went back to the hostel and was off and on the computer for hours trying to get a hold of devin and despairing. i took a shower and finally there was word from her. then i went to bed at 11:30, having no idea how i made it that long.
   this morning i woke up around 10 and had to force myself out of bed. i got breakfast at dunkin donuts cus it´s literally right next door and i didn´t have time. then i waited in puerta del sol for 20 minutes and finally sam and devin came. there was a bit of communication. then we decided to go to museo del prado but by the time we got down there, the line was sooooo long so we explored around it and then just went to el parque de buen retiro and walked around there for quite awhile. finally, we decided to head back and we found the cutest little store that was most akin to a food co-op that had food and a buffet. everything looked amazing. sam and i got food--vegetarian paella (don´t worry i´m still getting the real stuff), macaroni salad, chickpeas, etc. soooo good. and there were cute dogs about. so we got lost on the way back and went to a market and another old man took pity on us staring at our map and gave us directions back to puerta. (he used vosotros!!!!) we finally realized we walked in a huge loop and went back to the hostel and chilled for an hour. then we went to plaza mayor to try to meet up for this free tapas tour except we got there and never saw the tourguide so we went on a search of a tapas bar obi told me about. we finally found it and it was so expensive when he had told me it was like 4 euro tapas. so we left. and got italian food. my pizza was so huge!!
   we wandered through some zapaterias--shoestores--and then we worked our way to la chocolateria de san gines, which ellen told me to go to. got churros and chocolate soo good. but i think i might prefer some added sugar and cinnamon on my churros. then we went back to my hostel and chilled for half an hour and they left cus we´re meeting up EARLY tomorrow. and i did so much sudoku and was sad until the other lively americans watched transformers and it was really stupid. like what a stupid premise for a movie. robotic aliens? for real? lol anyway. so it´s just after 10:30 and i think i might go to bed in like half an hour. i´m never staying in a hostel alone again. i´ve made do, but it´s not for me. but the girls who sleep across from me both said hi to me earlier and one of them asked me if i was going out tonight, etc and made nice conversation. i´m ready to go back to my own room and even though the shower is tiny, a shower that isn´t intensely constricted by four walls!

Monday, December 27, 2010

more Christmas-y things

   On Christmas Eve night, Michelle came over around 6pm and then Obi came back shortly after that. We made lots of leftovers for dinner and sat around the table talking and being silly and stuff. We went back to Michelle's flat and watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno which was really good. Obi and I came back to mine and stayed up til 2am facebook stalking and talking to people. I was chatting on skype and Obi was sitting next to me watch Gundam Unicorn and I didn't know that so I look over and there's just a white unicorn on the screen. So random.
   On Christmas day we woke up RIGHT as we were supposed to meet Michelle so we got out the door in five minutes to go eat bagels, cream cheese, smoked salmon and mimosas. Yummmmm. And her grandma's homemade hot chocolate mix. Then we took a break so everyone could go skype people. I let Obi have skype time for like an hour and a half then I had skype time. Work in progress time. I got dressed and everything, gathered the food, then met Flynn in the lobby and waited for Niko. We headed up to Michelle's flat and started in on so much foooood. I basically had a meal of just starters. We had carrots, peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli with hummus; a selection of French cheese with crackers; and sausage rolls for starters, all while Michelle had homemade applesauce cooking in the background. We didn't actually eat the meal until 9pm. Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, homemade mac and cheese, green beans, and crusty bread. There was music and not-drunken dancing (you think I need alcohol to make a fool out of myself dancing to Hall and Oates [thank you Rachel]??? Bad thing is it was caught on camera). Finally, after 11pm, and a half hour of rest to let the food settle, we made our back to my flat for some mini mince pies and a second round of Mao, a card game where you sort of make up your own rules. I know certain people know how I am when I play cards, and especially how I am when I am learning a new game, so it should come as no surprise that I HATED it at first because I didn't get it, and then I just kept getting happy to pull one over on Niko, making up a rule that people had to glare at him. He called a cab a little after 1 and we played until it arrived. So I walked him down and then everyone called it a night.
   It was about 2 but I wanted to go online so I did and ended up skyping and didn't fall asleep until after quarter to 4. Obi got out of bed at 10 yesterday and was on the computer and I lay in bed for an hour hating everything. :-P Just for lack of sleep. He was going to go out but it didn't work out. So we kind of sat around until 2ish. He was online and I did sudoku but then I took a shower and he sort of started napping so I watched Psych. I think he got up or something to eat and I thought he was going to leave but they called and cancelled. He and I watched the eppy of Graham we went to, noting the editing, etc. Then I started talking to T, so Obi gave us some space and ended up sleeping on my bed for two hours, so I stayed on the computer. I finally woke him up again around 6 cus we went to Michelle's for dinner--leftovers and some peppers and sausage. We watched I Love You, Man after that and then came back. Skyped with Carman and Chelsey and then stayed up til nearly 2 talking like 10-year-old girls in the dark. ;) Now he's just left to go around with his friends and I'm NOT working on essays and instead will catch up with shitty (but good) tv and waste time, etc. Pictures? I think so. Cheers!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Away from Home

   So things are a bit more sorted now. I.e. my life. -->making do. It's ok. Obi arrived on Tuesday and we went to Graham early, and I STILL sat in the same row that I did last time. I think I might be ok with going to tapings now (unless I get a better seat--and I'm wondering, "Who does one have to fuck to get the chairs right in front of the couch? Or on that side of the studio???"). The warm-up guy did the exact same act, Graham did a little bit of the same act, which was a little disappointing, but oh well. At least I was more excited about who we were seeing. Matt Smith was a little disappointing, I'm not going to lie. There was something almost cocky about him, and I don't buy him dating a model now. You know that shit would not have happened if he weren't who he is. Nonetheless, I was glad to see him. David Williams and Matt Lucas were on and Matt Lucas is really hilarious. It was good times.
   On Wednesday we went traipsing up and down Oxford Street, which was kind of a nightmare. We made our way into the streets of Soho and the only place we went was a vintage magazine shop. The magazines weren't that exciting but the upstairs had funny cards and things, posters, pictures of old-time movie stars, directors, etc. Then we went to Costa and I got probably the last gingerbread latte that I'll be having here. Obi picked a spot by the bathroom so we were forever telling people it was taken and Obi was practically sleeping on the couch (the guy behind us actually did fall asleep in his chair) and we talked about what to do in Madrid. A little more excited now. We were barely home for 15 min when we went out to eat with Michelle and Melina, from Michelle's French host family. That was a little awkward cus only Michelle speaks a little French. Later Obi and I talked to Emilie and helped Mini take stuff to her new room. We watched an eppy of Doctor Who as well, which Obi really liked.
   Yesterday all we did was go to big Tesco for Christmas food and it was a bit of a nightmare but we made do and it took us only an hour. Then Obi napped while I skyped and then he skyped and stuff while I worked in the kitchen. Then he left to go meet some of his friends who are also in London for dinner. I had a mini-breakdown while he was gone because it's super stressful to have someone else staying in this tiny-ass room and he's been sick so that makes it worse. Also, I hadn't been sleeping until like 4am so I was extra-shot. I skyped with T, which made things better and then I skyped with Ben and Ashley. I also got my package from home finally and of course the minute I opened it up I started crying. I was at the end of my wire, people. But all in all, my sanity was restored. Obi went on the compy again while I did sudoku in the kitchen. We watched two episodes of Little Britain, which Obi REALLY liked, before bed. THEN I SLEPT SO HARD.
   Because things got better, I'm not SO bummed about being away for Christmas (though I never want to do it again). Michelle came over this morning because I made brunch. Obi is still off with his friends, so Michelle and I went to Sainsbury's to get some things. I can barely fit everything into my fridge. She and I just watched 500 Days of Summer. After all I've been through the last few months, I honestly feel like I'm not ok with the way that movie ends. Before, I was like, "This is bullshit, I want the quintessential romantic ending." But now it's ok and I really have a better understanding of life.
   I feel better because I know we're not going to be alone. Michelle is coming over for smorgasboard dinner which I also told Arif about, and then tomorrow she's doing brunch and we'll split up for skyping and then everyone's coming for Christmas dinner. Katie dropped out but Niko's taking a cab all the way from Hampstead so that makes me happy. It'll be a good day and night. Oh man, I bought THREE bottles of wine and only four people, shit, THREE maybe two will be drinking. I forgot Flynn doesn't drink. More wine for E, I guess. ;) Cheers, guys, and merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going through the (e)Motions

   I think for me it's harder to forget than to forgive. Because even when things are good, that thing is still going to creep up on me, and it's going to knock down my self-esteem until you are here, telling me what it really was, what I really am to you. I am still not going to feel good enough from time to time, especially when all I want is for you to acknowledge what I've said to you, my apologies, my questions. I'm going to wonder how you thought I was done in such a short time, if you really thought that I could write everything off so quickly. That's going to hurt. I know it's in the past, but what happens if that's the future? How do we move forward through it? How could you not think it had to do with me? How? Even if 'us' wasn't happening, it still lurked so strongly in the background it was impossible to ignore. I just don't understand. And that's what gets me every time I think about it. Because I want to know but I don't because it hurts and not knowing hurts too. If I don't understand then I can't prevent it. Am I enough? Sexuality aside, am I? I hope so. I want you to acknowledge how much it hurts for me and how it affects the way I feel. I want you to know and tell me that you know, then I can feel better once you understand. My mantra is a countdown. You're the something good waiting at zero.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Day of the Semmy

   What a week. What a whirlwind of frantically reading for essay consultations to really get nothing out of the books, and calm essay writing and getting most of it done in one day, and conspiring with Charli, and good things and bad things. What are the most fun things?
   Winnie took me out to dinner on Wednesday night. We arranged to meet at Slug and Lettuce and I was an aggressive American and claimed a table as some people were leaving. One guy was waiting to get a cab so he was still sitting there and I chatted with him for a bit and it was really nice. I was like, "Holy shit talking to strangers." lol. He said it was nice to meet me before leaving. And then some drunkish guys came over to the table and asked if they could use the opposite corner of it. I said they could and then it was like four or five of them and they were a bit boisterous. Winnie came and went to the bar to order and I sat claiming the table. The guys were saying, "Oh she's alright, she's alright" and it's not like I couldn't see the one jerking his head towards me! So I looked up and one of them is like blatantly staring at me so I just gave him a really intense glare and then Winnie came back and said the bar was five deep so we left. We ended up at the Italian place next door which was fancy but chill and we got a bottle of wine and I got penne with salmon and a creamy sauce and it was amazing. And we talked for like two hours and it was supernice to catch up with her.
   OMG THEN GRAHAM. GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM. I met up with Cathy and her boyfriend James at Waterloo campus and we went and got bracelets which each had a number on them so we could go away again because they let people into the studio based on that number. We were 217-219. We got back around 6:15 when they were going to start letting people in. It was kind of a clusterfuck and totally disorganized, but we waited it out. And waited. Things started slowing up and it became somewhat apparent that we might not get in. Somehow I didn't lose hope. Not even when they were like, "Eight more people" and it literally cut off around 210. My toes hurt they were so cold but I still wanted to wait around. Finally it was our group of three, another group of three, and a random guy and they came back out and were like, "We literally have three seats left, but they're not together." At that point, I was like, "WELL TAKE THEM." And we were able to because we had the lowest numbers. James left though because he wasn't that keen, but Cathy and I GOT TO GO IN. I was a little hysterical. She got seated way on the lefthand side of the studio and I was on the right next to an old couple and some gay guys. The couch area was like right in front of Cathy, not me. :( Omg though, it was so surreal being at that set. And the greatest thing is that is also on the RV1 route. SO MUCH STUFF RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
   So because there were literally five snowflakes, one of the guests was caught in traffic, everything was like 20 min late. They announced this, then a comedian came out for like 20 min and just got the audience excited. Then Graham finally came out and (filming hadn't started yet) did some comedy and talking to us in general. There were some technical difficulties with sound and they lined up the cameras and stuff (so weird! never been to a tv recording before). And apparently this was the new year's eve special, so no Cher. :( But finally the show started, but it stopped a little before the monologue due to sound problems. Then everything got underway. He had Louie, an X factor judge, some British actor, and an American actress who's on a British drama and who was quite dull. I was a little disappointed at that lineup but it was ok. I kind of had to watch stuff on the screen in front of me cus they were so far away. But it was still cool. There was an Irish rap improv duo. And then Eliza Dolittle, a singer, who was quite good. Blah blah and then it was over. And I was happy. AND I'M GOING AGAIN ON TUESDAY. But now I know to go earlier. Dear God I want that to be the Matt Smith eppy. I would DIE. DIE. die. Ahhhhh.
    Came home to ongoing flat drama, but now that everyone's left basically I don't care and I'm going to enjoy the silence. We had a fire drill at 2am last night and it wasn't ok. Somehow I still made it to class and dropped off a job app by the noon deadline, went to the library, and once I got out there was a freak snowstorm where the snow was almost hail-like in how heavy it was. I treated myself to a gingerbread latte at costa and then sat in the seminar room for 50 min watching podcasts. Now I've finished my empire essay I am going to waste time. Tonight is Emilie and Divya's going away shindig and then I will probs stop by Cathy's friend's Nightmare Before Christmas event and then I am going to sleep for ten years. Peace.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Catch up!

   Sooo quite a few good things going on in life! Last Thursday was my last day of Irish Lit and Jacobean Theatre. For Irish Lit, we arranged to meet up at the Chesire Cheese, a pub on Fleet Street where Yeats and company used to sit and plan big things for Ireland. It was your quintessential English pub full of old wood, uneven floor, lots of tiny rooms. I showed up early and stuck out like an American sore thumb and stood sipping cider reading our student newspaper. Then my professor showed up and I panicked for a minute thinking it was just going to be us two and how to make awkward conversation for 20 min before I left. But a lot of kids from class showed up like two min later.
   I talked literally like three times in that class and it was all the smart kids who talked all the time who showed up so I was a little nervous, especially when they started talking politics for the first ten minutes. (Thursday was the actual vote about tuition raises which did pass through Parliament.) Then I jumped in there and actually started talking to Sam, who is like the leader of the "astute" commentators from class. Our professor had to step away to make a phone call so I ended up talking more to the rest of the students, who were all incredibly nice! A lot of them introduced themselves, asked my name and shook my hand. It was nice that we all sort of got to chat even if class is over. I left after fifty min feeling happy.
  On Friday Niko and I went to Maughan and apparently I got dirty looks in the elevator because I had an enormous stack of 15 books, all for essays. I kind of wasted away the afternoon cus I was exhausted and didn't want to work. Charli and I were waiting for Alison to come back because we were supposed to go out for her birthday, but we didn't know they were coming from Oxford Street, so it took them an hour. Thus Charli and I sat in the kitchen, me in my coat, talking, which was actually really nice, cus we forged a bond through gossip. Alison finally made it home and we weren't actually going to go anywhere. So I went into my room and watched two straight eppys of Shameless until people came over for cake. Alison's friend Mark, who I've met before and like, came. But there was this other girl who was SO irritating. She literally had THREE phones because apparently some of her friends don't like her other friends and her bf doesn't like her talking to her ex so she talks to people on separate phones to make things "easier." I just thought she was dumb. And rude. So after playing the writing game (which was hilarious when we played with Flynn, and this time was like pulling teeth), I went back to my room. And watched more Shameless.
   I went to bed at midnight and did get out of bed until quarter to 11 in the morning. I had literally only gone to the kitchen to get dishes and poured myself a bowl of cereal, when Charli and I heard a knock at the door and it was Michelle, crying, saying she had thrown up blood and wanted to go to the hospital. So I called an ambulance and grabbed my shit and we went down. One guy came and took her vitals/stuff and then the actual ambulance came and then we drove to the hospital. Basically everyone was like, "nothing's wrong." We sat waiting for a nurse for like 15 min and she scolded us for calling an ambulance. We then waited in urgent care for 45 min for a 2 min session with the nurse who told Michelle to drink water and go home. And I missed High Tea with my friends. But I was glad to be there for Michelle.
   I got home and made myself breakfast at 2pm and watched Shameless. Finally, I set myself up at the kitchen table and worked literally for hours on history reading, stopping for minute breaks. Charli and I watched X Factor and Emilie came over for a bit. Then I did more work and skyped until too late. Yesterday was much the same thing. I didn't managed to install myself in the kitchen until after noon and worked for four hours before I took a real break. I probably got two or three more hours in after that, but I watched X factor finale with Charli and then went out to talk to Sam and Emilie while they smoked cigars (aka "bro time"). Then I watched more Shameless (you can't blame me cus season 6 is soooo good). Oh! My lightswitch fell off on Saturday night so I was without a big light until this morning, when a guy showed up. He's not an electrician, so all he could do was tape the switch back on which allows me to use the other one for the same light until the electrician can come. I got work done before noon though and did a lot. Took a two-hour break to watch the show, clean the bathroom, clean my room, make food. Then worked for two more hours.
   Upon that break, I made a trip to the public library. It was the first time I'd left gdsa since the hospital trip. And I hadn't even really realized that I hadn't left. It was weird walking up the street cus I was like, "Oh yeah, London." Then the library--seriously, public libraries are like HOME. They make me sooo happy. I got three cookbooks and then it was like fate that the Daphne du Maurier Companion was looking out at me from one of the shelves (I'm writing a final paper on one of her books). I left feeling happy then went to Costa Coffee and got a gingerbread latte, which was goooooood. I then sung Jingle Bells in my head all the way home. I'm almost never in such a blatantly good mood and only realized I was singing in my head after like five minutes.
   Oh yeah, and in addition to seeing Graham in just three days (btw CHER is going to be on!), I got e-mailed my ticket for Graham for a week from tomorrow and guess who's going to be on? MATT SMITH (new Doctor Who). Basically, shitting myself. Shit shit shit all over the place it's awesome. Dragging Obi along. Ahhh, I should do more essay research. What's up?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So basically, when I was in high school, I got into Patrick Wolf. The first day we had two and a half straight hours of orgo, I drove to CD Warehouse afterward and purchased The Magic Position, and I haven't looked back since. Steve once scolded me for playing it way too loudly in my car. I literally carried the album around with me for two days. I used to study for orgo to Wind in the Wires. Good times.

I went to Nina's and had some babycham (??) and we got dressed. I wore the dress Aunt Viv got me for my birthday, all black and gold pea-cocky (as Nina said). We did our makeup and Nina went all out--lots of star glitter, huge fake eyelashes, the works. We danced around to Patrick Wolf and talked about life. Then we faced the cold and caught a bus to Holborn area, where the gig was. We scouted out the queue and then went to Hummus Bros (i.e. my bf lolz cus he gave us free carrot sticks?). That was mostly cus I made some comment to him about how efficiently he packed up our food and it was awesome to behold. Yeah, I said that. *facepalm* But I meant it! Anyway, so I scarfed that shit down and we went and stood aside of the queue cus we had to pick up tickets and get the lift for Nina. So we were shown in a little early. Met Nina's friend Jenny, who's here from Germany on an internship. She was really nice. Bloomsbury ballroom is such a weird place. When we were let into the building, we still weren't allowed in the actual room for the concert. Instead, people again had to queue in a carpeted room with a bar and some tables and really artsy booths kind of stuck into the wall. Finn, Jenny and I went to the coat check upstairs and to get there, we walked this narrow hallway area that had more artsy booths on both sides and then a kitchen at the end! We decided we wanted to live there. We waited outside the doors to the actual venue until sometime after 8 and then we were let in first so Nina could a spot where no one was going to crowd up and block her view. Jenny and I acted as blockers to these kind of people. I have never stood so close to a stage for a show in my life. We were at the right facing the stage and I was literally the second row back. Kind of scared for the noise. We waited more until a little after 9 when Patrick finally came on!!
   He teased us, playing the opening to "Time of My Life" before launching into a different song. The noise level was honestly not that bad. I was a bit of an Elissa anxiety party pooper in the beginning, but then I just told myself, "Shit, girl, you're in London, seeing Patrick Wolf, this is a dream come true!" so I forgot my tiredness, the achy back and started dancing. One thing I dislike about live shows is they always mess with the tempo of songs that you really like, and for me, it makes it a little harder to relate to them, but it was ok. He played some of his new songs and I kept feeling like they really spoke to where I'm at in life. That's pretty cool. It was weird seeing him in person because he's not as skinny as he appears elsewhere, but when I thought about it, he's already 27. And he looked somehow more manly than I had previously thought. Lol. He was wearing a bright red jumpsuit sort of thing and jacket. Eventually the seam of his pants ripped clear from butt to crotch. We were all giggling about it.
   I was having such a good time that I was honestly bummed when he said goodnight. The crowd went a little bonkers and chanted and stuff and ten minutes later he came back out after a costume change. He played a song called "Bermondsey Street" which I rather liked and then he played Magic Position, the change in which I was ok with. It was awesome. Especially when he would come to our side of the stage. I could've literally touched him, he was that close. And I'm pretty sure we made eye contact at least once, which was cool to say for someone I've admired for so long.
   Nina, Jenny and I hung around for a bit. Jenny had to leave and finally Nina and I took off. She was bumming so I tried to cheer her up as best as I could. We went back to her flat, where I had left my stuff, and we talked a bit. I feel like we largely get each other, in important aspects of life. The Golden Girls. Yes. Then I went home by tube and was absolutely knackered. Got home about 12:15 and decompressed on skype with my brother and Ashley. Knocked out about 1 and got out of bed after 10 with glitter all over my face and huge bags under my eyes. Lol. And felt GRUBBY. Buuuut I changed my sheets and took a shower and I've uploaded loads more photos, so I'm going to peace out but check out those photos at:
Please comment!

I am about to double blog. Are you ready?

   Due to the fact that I haven't updated in a week, there is much to say, although most of it will be focused on the latter half. To briefly sum up some days, last Thursday Michelle had Marina and me over for potato latkes and homemade applesauce for Hanukah. I ate like 7. Friday was Peep Show again, which was better than the premiere. Saturday I went all the way out to zone 2 (the boonies!) to go to Portobello Road, a market on that street. It was actually one of the best markets I've been to here cus they actually had a variety of stuff and I bought some postcards--one to send to Beth, and two as souvenirs for my wall because they were of the sex stores in Soho. On Saturday night I skyped with Neale for an hour, which was really nice cus we hadn't caught up in over a month. On Sunday I didn't really do anything because Emilie was sick so we had to reschedule High Tea. That night's skype session left me feeling really...confused.
   Largely. That feeling sort of carried over into Monday in the form of depression. I was kind of bumming around all day, even though I was super productive homework-wise and did my laundry. (Also, as a sidenote, that's two weeks now that my clothes haven't gotten completely dry so I've had to lay them all over the room and finish the drying on the heater--but on the plus side, my room always smells good, like fabric softener, for the next few days.) Just when I was despairing about feeling better, "An English Teacher" from Bye Bye Birdie came on shuffle, so I listened to the whole album and sang along with it, not worrying if my flatmates were listening or anything. I finished folding, and somehow I just randomly starting reorganizing my bulletin board and cleaned my junk/office supplies drawer and after all this, felt enormously better. Then I skyped with Ellen, which was totally nice. I really enjoy talking to her because she always offers up a totally different perspective than any that I would think, and it's refreshing even if it's sad or I am stubborn and don't want to hear it. (I promise I had a much more eloquent way of saying this but I put off blogging.)
   Before I went to bed, I went to the kitchen and chatted with Arun and Katherine for like twenty minutes and we all relived the previous night, when, at one in the morning, the majority of the flat heard one member having a particularly good time. I texted her about it, everyone else jossled her to no end, so she's making us a cake. I then had an idea to make a monkey poster taunting her, so indeed we took the picture of the monkey from the NME issue in the kitchen and stuck it on the bulletin board. Good times.
   On Tuesday, I was in the cocoon of warmth (as I am calling my bed in the hours before I leave it in the mornings) just having woken up from a bad dream about my father (will they ever end?) and noticed I had twenty minutes til I had to wake up. Effing 8:30 augh. Time went by fast and I was headed off to my last full Tuesday. Gordon was late so class was harried and then I ran into two people in the halls. Headed up to the computer lab and figured out which history question I actually want to do and then spent twenty minutes looking up books for it. Then went to Chapters, whereupon Robyn, Keith, and Brian eventually turned up. I am so glad that Robyn and I became friends. And sad that our class together has ended. It was a jovial lunch as usual, Elliot (Robyn's boyfriend) having joined us too. We talked about peanut butter. At one point, the 31-year-old man man, who I haven't seen since I was blown off WEEKS ago, showed up. He just sort of wandered over to where we were and came to say hi, all dopey smiley as usual. Kind of threw me for a loop. Funny how you can completely denounce someone and then they show up. We were chatting about Christmas, he's going home, but then he was saying, "Yeah, we should get coffee soon, or at least go for a walk or something." Ha, we'll see if that happens. Good thing I don't really care anymore. He had to get on, and then I faced comments about having more than one male suitor and lighting up "like a Christmas tree." Augh. And then I told Robyn, and lunch proceeded as usual.
   We had to leave as the cafeteria man was making rounds (he kicks you out once you're done eating cus seating is in high demand 12-2pm). So I went off to wait before class and Robyn was in denial that our class together was done. So we'll exchange phone numbers and do things over Christmas break cus she and Elliot are from London. Also, I have Literature and Psychoanalysis with Keith and Brian next semester. After Brit Lit and Cinema, I ran into them again--Robyn and Keith--and she gave me a big hug before I headed off to Maughan. Good people.
   Ok, now I knew from numerous e-mails that the library catalogue was going to be down Tues-Thurs. That's why I spent an hour Monday night looking up books to check out. Somehow I overlooked that this would also mean I couldn't check out books. But I went to Maughan, spending half an hour looking up all the books I would need for hist and Brit Lit, and the stack was so large I was holding it in place under my chin. I get downstairs and then the woman tells me I won't be able to check them out. I know I was a little rude, but I was like, "Oh, well you guys have to put them back!" It would've been so easy to sink into despair, and a tiny part of me wanted to cry in frustration, but I deep breathed a little bit and kept telling myself I could come back and do it in a few days and it was ok. I didn't want to work in the library because I wasn't in the mindset. So I went back to Chapters and sat listening to music until Irish Lit. At the end of that class, our prof thanked us for being so attentive in all the lectures and made some comment about if we were pretending or not. Such a cute, awkward little man. Then there was spontaneous applause which was kind of funny. And then I left to go to Nina's.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"My phone is a droid and I didn't know it!" -Mum

So I'm sorry about the horrid post before. It was a truly rough three or so days. Emotional breakdown. Remedied though. Chugging on with life with the knowledge that it's all relatively ok! Also, I have amazing friends and family. T, Ben, Obi, Emilie (for asking me out for a drink, for always texting me to do stuff even though I have to say no a lot). Speaking of that drink, I was soooo emotionally drained and tired but we went to the Roebuck after four hours on the computer of putting a band-aid over my life's problems. Basically, a pint kind of made me a little woooooo, I told Sam he looks like a cat (which he does and which he acknowledged that I would say to him regardless of alcohol intake). Mostly I am happy in that area because I can be really weird and it's funny and not socially off-putting. We were there until about midnight. I went home on my own, first, because I was so tired. But I was really glad to end the day not shut up in my room mulling in the leftovers of feeling bad. Because to be honest, I could still get downish but it's not good to dwell, and I'm happy again. I can enjoy London again. And I SLEPT for the first time in over a week. Well, I woke up too early (ten past eight) but I slept soundly for most of the night. My conscience was cleared. I did lay in bed until like half past nine though, in a nearly sleeping thinking daze. I relished the fact that there were no doors slamming, no talking in the hall or kitchen, so I was able to maintain that inner peace.

The quiet continued like all day, so I was actually able to do lots of work in my room in the afternoon. It felt good to not be in the library for once and I was productive. I also skyped with Ben again and Violet waved at me and smiled. I caught the bus to strand area and I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time (it was a half off deal--only five pounds!!). Let me tell you, that's the weirdest sensation. I'm not very good with that or plucking, so I was curling my toe really hard in my shoe so it sounded like a fart and that was awkward. But she knew I was in painish so she chilled down. Then I went to Creative Writing Society and generally chatted a lot. Workshopping Katie's story made me really anxious to write. I read on the way home and took a shower and immediately sat down and finally put the thoughts to the page. It was a little mental vomit-y but I'll edit in a few days. Erotic scenes, go!! Submitted a different piece of erotica to RC Review. Skyped with Mum a bit, straightened away a few things up, and then got the other great news of the night.

People, my London dreams are coming true. So far I have been able to cross Kate Nash off my list. In just six days, I am seeing Patrick Wolf, and I fucking love him. You don't even know. He was my gift to myself for making it through two and a half hours of Organic Chemistry. I am seeing him. In London. And THEN Cathy writes on my wall with almost greater news: she got tickets to Graham (this also means that I might get tickets to Graham and get to see him twice!). I have been watching him since I was at least a junior in high school and his show always makes me laugh and makes me happy. December 16th. I really hope next semester can keep up.