Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"My phone is a droid and I didn't know it!" -Mum

So I'm sorry about the horrid post before. It was a truly rough three or so days. Emotional breakdown. Remedied though. Chugging on with life with the knowledge that it's all relatively ok! Also, I have amazing friends and family. T, Ben, Obi, Emilie (for asking me out for a drink, for always texting me to do stuff even though I have to say no a lot). Speaking of that drink, I was soooo emotionally drained and tired but we went to the Roebuck after four hours on the computer of putting a band-aid over my life's problems. Basically, a pint kind of made me a little woooooo, I told Sam he looks like a cat (which he does and which he acknowledged that I would say to him regardless of alcohol intake). Mostly I am happy in that area because I can be really weird and it's funny and not socially off-putting. We were there until about midnight. I went home on my own, first, because I was so tired. But I was really glad to end the day not shut up in my room mulling in the leftovers of feeling bad. Because to be honest, I could still get downish but it's not good to dwell, and I'm happy again. I can enjoy London again. And I SLEPT for the first time in over a week. Well, I woke up too early (ten past eight) but I slept soundly for most of the night. My conscience was cleared. I did lay in bed until like half past nine though, in a nearly sleeping thinking daze. I relished the fact that there were no doors slamming, no talking in the hall or kitchen, so I was able to maintain that inner peace.

The quiet continued like all day, so I was actually able to do lots of work in my room in the afternoon. It felt good to not be in the library for once and I was productive. I also skyped with Ben again and Violet waved at me and smiled. I caught the bus to strand area and I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time (it was a half off deal--only five pounds!!). Let me tell you, that's the weirdest sensation. I'm not very good with that or plucking, so I was curling my toe really hard in my shoe so it sounded like a fart and that was awkward. But she knew I was in painish so she chilled down. Then I went to Creative Writing Society and generally chatted a lot. Workshopping Katie's story made me really anxious to write. I read on the way home and took a shower and immediately sat down and finally put the thoughts to the page. It was a little mental vomit-y but I'll edit in a few days. Erotic scenes, go!! Submitted a different piece of erotica to RC Review. Skyped with Mum a bit, straightened away a few things up, and then got the other great news of the night.

People, my London dreams are coming true. So far I have been able to cross Kate Nash off my list. In just six days, I am seeing Patrick Wolf, and I fucking love him. You don't even know. He was my gift to myself for making it through two and a half hours of Organic Chemistry. I am seeing him. In London. And THEN Cathy writes on my wall with almost greater news: she got tickets to Graham (this also means that I might get tickets to Graham and get to see him twice!). I have been watching him since I was at least a junior in high school and his show always makes me laugh and makes me happy. December 16th. I really hope next semester can keep up.