Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am about to double blog. Are you ready?

   Due to the fact that I haven't updated in a week, there is much to say, although most of it will be focused on the latter half. To briefly sum up some days, last Thursday Michelle had Marina and me over for potato latkes and homemade applesauce for Hanukah. I ate like 7. Friday was Peep Show again, which was better than the premiere. Saturday I went all the way out to zone 2 (the boonies!) to go to Portobello Road, a market on that street. It was actually one of the best markets I've been to here cus they actually had a variety of stuff and I bought some postcards--one to send to Beth, and two as souvenirs for my wall because they were of the sex stores in Soho. On Saturday night I skyped with Neale for an hour, which was really nice cus we hadn't caught up in over a month. On Sunday I didn't really do anything because Emilie was sick so we had to reschedule High Tea. That night's skype session left me feeling really...confused.
   Largely. That feeling sort of carried over into Monday in the form of depression. I was kind of bumming around all day, even though I was super productive homework-wise and did my laundry. (Also, as a sidenote, that's two weeks now that my clothes haven't gotten completely dry so I've had to lay them all over the room and finish the drying on the heater--but on the plus side, my room always smells good, like fabric softener, for the next few days.) Just when I was despairing about feeling better, "An English Teacher" from Bye Bye Birdie came on shuffle, so I listened to the whole album and sang along with it, not worrying if my flatmates were listening or anything. I finished folding, and somehow I just randomly starting reorganizing my bulletin board and cleaned my junk/office supplies drawer and after all this, felt enormously better. Then I skyped with Ellen, which was totally nice. I really enjoy talking to her because she always offers up a totally different perspective than any that I would think, and it's refreshing even if it's sad or I am stubborn and don't want to hear it. (I promise I had a much more eloquent way of saying this but I put off blogging.)
   Before I went to bed, I went to the kitchen and chatted with Arun and Katherine for like twenty minutes and we all relived the previous night, when, at one in the morning, the majority of the flat heard one member having a particularly good time. I texted her about it, everyone else jossled her to no end, so she's making us a cake. I then had an idea to make a monkey poster taunting her, so indeed we took the picture of the monkey from the NME issue in the kitchen and stuck it on the bulletin board. Good times.
   On Tuesday, I was in the cocoon of warmth (as I am calling my bed in the hours before I leave it in the mornings) just having woken up from a bad dream about my father (will they ever end?) and noticed I had twenty minutes til I had to wake up. Effing 8:30 augh. Time went by fast and I was headed off to my last full Tuesday. Gordon was late so class was harried and then I ran into two people in the halls. Headed up to the computer lab and figured out which history question I actually want to do and then spent twenty minutes looking up books for it. Then went to Chapters, whereupon Robyn, Keith, and Brian eventually turned up. I am so glad that Robyn and I became friends. And sad that our class together has ended. It was a jovial lunch as usual, Elliot (Robyn's boyfriend) having joined us too. We talked about peanut butter. At one point, the 31-year-old man man, who I haven't seen since I was blown off WEEKS ago, showed up. He just sort of wandered over to where we were and came to say hi, all dopey smiley as usual. Kind of threw me for a loop. Funny how you can completely denounce someone and then they show up. We were chatting about Christmas, he's going home, but then he was saying, "Yeah, we should get coffee soon, or at least go for a walk or something." Ha, we'll see if that happens. Good thing I don't really care anymore. He had to get on, and then I faced comments about having more than one male suitor and lighting up "like a Christmas tree." Augh. And then I told Robyn, and lunch proceeded as usual.
   We had to leave as the cafeteria man was making rounds (he kicks you out once you're done eating cus seating is in high demand 12-2pm). So I went off to wait before class and Robyn was in denial that our class together was done. So we'll exchange phone numbers and do things over Christmas break cus she and Elliot are from London. Also, I have Literature and Psychoanalysis with Keith and Brian next semester. After Brit Lit and Cinema, I ran into them again--Robyn and Keith--and she gave me a big hug before I headed off to Maughan. Good people.
   Ok, now I knew from numerous e-mails that the library catalogue was going to be down Tues-Thurs. That's why I spent an hour Monday night looking up books to check out. Somehow I overlooked that this would also mean I couldn't check out books. But I went to Maughan, spending half an hour looking up all the books I would need for hist and Brit Lit, and the stack was so large I was holding it in place under my chin. I get downstairs and then the woman tells me I won't be able to check them out. I know I was a little rude, but I was like, "Oh, well you guys have to put them back!" It would've been so easy to sink into despair, and a tiny part of me wanted to cry in frustration, but I deep breathed a little bit and kept telling myself I could come back and do it in a few days and it was ok. I didn't want to work in the library because I wasn't in the mindset. So I went back to Chapters and sat listening to music until Irish Lit. At the end of that class, our prof thanked us for being so attentive in all the lectures and made some comment about if we were pretending or not. Such a cute, awkward little man. Then there was spontaneous applause which was kind of funny. And then I left to go to Nina's.

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