Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Away from Home

   So things are a bit more sorted now. I.e. my life. -->making do. It's ok. Obi arrived on Tuesday and we went to Graham early, and I STILL sat in the same row that I did last time. I think I might be ok with going to tapings now (unless I get a better seat--and I'm wondering, "Who does one have to fuck to get the chairs right in front of the couch? Or on that side of the studio???"). The warm-up guy did the exact same act, Graham did a little bit of the same act, which was a little disappointing, but oh well. At least I was more excited about who we were seeing. Matt Smith was a little disappointing, I'm not going to lie. There was something almost cocky about him, and I don't buy him dating a model now. You know that shit would not have happened if he weren't who he is. Nonetheless, I was glad to see him. David Williams and Matt Lucas were on and Matt Lucas is really hilarious. It was good times.
   On Wednesday we went traipsing up and down Oxford Street, which was kind of a nightmare. We made our way into the streets of Soho and the only place we went was a vintage magazine shop. The magazines weren't that exciting but the upstairs had funny cards and things, posters, pictures of old-time movie stars, directors, etc. Then we went to Costa and I got probably the last gingerbread latte that I'll be having here. Obi picked a spot by the bathroom so we were forever telling people it was taken and Obi was practically sleeping on the couch (the guy behind us actually did fall asleep in his chair) and we talked about what to do in Madrid. A little more excited now. We were barely home for 15 min when we went out to eat with Michelle and Melina, from Michelle's French host family. That was a little awkward cus only Michelle speaks a little French. Later Obi and I talked to Emilie and helped Mini take stuff to her new room. We watched an eppy of Doctor Who as well, which Obi really liked.
   Yesterday all we did was go to big Tesco for Christmas food and it was a bit of a nightmare but we made do and it took us only an hour. Then Obi napped while I skyped and then he skyped and stuff while I worked in the kitchen. Then he left to go meet some of his friends who are also in London for dinner. I had a mini-breakdown while he was gone because it's super stressful to have someone else staying in this tiny-ass room and he's been sick so that makes it worse. Also, I hadn't been sleeping until like 4am so I was extra-shot. I skyped with T, which made things better and then I skyped with Ben and Ashley. I also got my package from home finally and of course the minute I opened it up I started crying. I was at the end of my wire, people. But all in all, my sanity was restored. Obi went on the compy again while I did sudoku in the kitchen. We watched two episodes of Little Britain, which Obi REALLY liked, before bed. THEN I SLEPT SO HARD.
   Because things got better, I'm not SO bummed about being away for Christmas (though I never want to do it again). Michelle came over this morning because I made brunch. Obi is still off with his friends, so Michelle and I went to Sainsbury's to get some things. I can barely fit everything into my fridge. She and I just watched 500 Days of Summer. After all I've been through the last few months, I honestly feel like I'm not ok with the way that movie ends. Before, I was like, "This is bullshit, I want the quintessential romantic ending." But now it's ok and I really have a better understanding of life.
   I feel better because I know we're not going to be alone. Michelle is coming over for smorgasboard dinner which I also told Arif about, and then tomorrow she's doing brunch and we'll split up for skyping and then everyone's coming for Christmas dinner. Katie dropped out but Niko's taking a cab all the way from Hampstead so that makes me happy. It'll be a good day and night. Oh man, I bought THREE bottles of wine and only four people, shit, THREE maybe two will be drinking. I forgot Flynn doesn't drink. More wine for E, I guess. ;) Cheers, guys, and merry Christmas!

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