Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Day of the Semmy

   What a week. What a whirlwind of frantically reading for essay consultations to really get nothing out of the books, and calm essay writing and getting most of it done in one day, and conspiring with Charli, and good things and bad things. What are the most fun things?
   Winnie took me out to dinner on Wednesday night. We arranged to meet at Slug and Lettuce and I was an aggressive American and claimed a table as some people were leaving. One guy was waiting to get a cab so he was still sitting there and I chatted with him for a bit and it was really nice. I was like, "Holy shit talking to strangers." lol. He said it was nice to meet me before leaving. And then some drunkish guys came over to the table and asked if they could use the opposite corner of it. I said they could and then it was like four or five of them and they were a bit boisterous. Winnie came and went to the bar to order and I sat claiming the table. The guys were saying, "Oh she's alright, she's alright" and it's not like I couldn't see the one jerking his head towards me! So I looked up and one of them is like blatantly staring at me so I just gave him a really intense glare and then Winnie came back and said the bar was five deep so we left. We ended up at the Italian place next door which was fancy but chill and we got a bottle of wine and I got penne with salmon and a creamy sauce and it was amazing. And we talked for like two hours and it was supernice to catch up with her.
   OMG THEN GRAHAM. GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM. I met up with Cathy and her boyfriend James at Waterloo campus and we went and got bracelets which each had a number on them so we could go away again because they let people into the studio based on that number. We were 217-219. We got back around 6:15 when they were going to start letting people in. It was kind of a clusterfuck and totally disorganized, but we waited it out. And waited. Things started slowing up and it became somewhat apparent that we might not get in. Somehow I didn't lose hope. Not even when they were like, "Eight more people" and it literally cut off around 210. My toes hurt they were so cold but I still wanted to wait around. Finally it was our group of three, another group of three, and a random guy and they came back out and were like, "We literally have three seats left, but they're not together." At that point, I was like, "WELL TAKE THEM." And we were able to because we had the lowest numbers. James left though because he wasn't that keen, but Cathy and I GOT TO GO IN. I was a little hysterical. She got seated way on the lefthand side of the studio and I was on the right next to an old couple and some gay guys. The couch area was like right in front of Cathy, not me. :( Omg though, it was so surreal being at that set. And the greatest thing is that is also on the RV1 route. SO MUCH STUFF RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
   So because there were literally five snowflakes, one of the guests was caught in traffic, everything was like 20 min late. They announced this, then a comedian came out for like 20 min and just got the audience excited. Then Graham finally came out and (filming hadn't started yet) did some comedy and talking to us in general. There were some technical difficulties with sound and they lined up the cameras and stuff (so weird! never been to a tv recording before). And apparently this was the new year's eve special, so no Cher. :( But finally the show started, but it stopped a little before the monologue due to sound problems. Then everything got underway. He had Louie, an X factor judge, some British actor, and an American actress who's on a British drama and who was quite dull. I was a little disappointed at that lineup but it was ok. I kind of had to watch stuff on the screen in front of me cus they were so far away. But it was still cool. There was an Irish rap improv duo. And then Eliza Dolittle, a singer, who was quite good. Blah blah and then it was over. And I was happy. AND I'M GOING AGAIN ON TUESDAY. But now I know to go earlier. Dear God I want that to be the Matt Smith eppy. I would DIE. DIE. die. Ahhhhh.
    Came home to ongoing flat drama, but now that everyone's left basically I don't care and I'm going to enjoy the silence. We had a fire drill at 2am last night and it wasn't ok. Somehow I still made it to class and dropped off a job app by the noon deadline, went to the library, and once I got out there was a freak snowstorm where the snow was almost hail-like in how heavy it was. I treated myself to a gingerbread latte at costa and then sat in the seminar room for 50 min watching podcasts. Now I've finished my empire essay I am going to waste time. Tonight is Emilie and Divya's going away shindig and then I will probs stop by Cathy's friend's Nightmare Before Christmas event and then I am going to sleep for ten years. Peace.

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