Monday, December 13, 2010

Catch up!

   Sooo quite a few good things going on in life! Last Thursday was my last day of Irish Lit and Jacobean Theatre. For Irish Lit, we arranged to meet up at the Chesire Cheese, a pub on Fleet Street where Yeats and company used to sit and plan big things for Ireland. It was your quintessential English pub full of old wood, uneven floor, lots of tiny rooms. I showed up early and stuck out like an American sore thumb and stood sipping cider reading our student newspaper. Then my professor showed up and I panicked for a minute thinking it was just going to be us two and how to make awkward conversation for 20 min before I left. But a lot of kids from class showed up like two min later.
   I talked literally like three times in that class and it was all the smart kids who talked all the time who showed up so I was a little nervous, especially when they started talking politics for the first ten minutes. (Thursday was the actual vote about tuition raises which did pass through Parliament.) Then I jumped in there and actually started talking to Sam, who is like the leader of the "astute" commentators from class. Our professor had to step away to make a phone call so I ended up talking more to the rest of the students, who were all incredibly nice! A lot of them introduced themselves, asked my name and shook my hand. It was nice that we all sort of got to chat even if class is over. I left after fifty min feeling happy.
  On Friday Niko and I went to Maughan and apparently I got dirty looks in the elevator because I had an enormous stack of 15 books, all for essays. I kind of wasted away the afternoon cus I was exhausted and didn't want to work. Charli and I were waiting for Alison to come back because we were supposed to go out for her birthday, but we didn't know they were coming from Oxford Street, so it took them an hour. Thus Charli and I sat in the kitchen, me in my coat, talking, which was actually really nice, cus we forged a bond through gossip. Alison finally made it home and we weren't actually going to go anywhere. So I went into my room and watched two straight eppys of Shameless until people came over for cake. Alison's friend Mark, who I've met before and like, came. But there was this other girl who was SO irritating. She literally had THREE phones because apparently some of her friends don't like her other friends and her bf doesn't like her talking to her ex so she talks to people on separate phones to make things "easier." I just thought she was dumb. And rude. So after playing the writing game (which was hilarious when we played with Flynn, and this time was like pulling teeth), I went back to my room. And watched more Shameless.
   I went to bed at midnight and did get out of bed until quarter to 11 in the morning. I had literally only gone to the kitchen to get dishes and poured myself a bowl of cereal, when Charli and I heard a knock at the door and it was Michelle, crying, saying she had thrown up blood and wanted to go to the hospital. So I called an ambulance and grabbed my shit and we went down. One guy came and took her vitals/stuff and then the actual ambulance came and then we drove to the hospital. Basically everyone was like, "nothing's wrong." We sat waiting for a nurse for like 15 min and she scolded us for calling an ambulance. We then waited in urgent care for 45 min for a 2 min session with the nurse who told Michelle to drink water and go home. And I missed High Tea with my friends. But I was glad to be there for Michelle.
   I got home and made myself breakfast at 2pm and watched Shameless. Finally, I set myself up at the kitchen table and worked literally for hours on history reading, stopping for minute breaks. Charli and I watched X Factor and Emilie came over for a bit. Then I did more work and skyped until too late. Yesterday was much the same thing. I didn't managed to install myself in the kitchen until after noon and worked for four hours before I took a real break. I probably got two or three more hours in after that, but I watched X factor finale with Charli and then went out to talk to Sam and Emilie while they smoked cigars (aka "bro time"). Then I watched more Shameless (you can't blame me cus season 6 is soooo good). Oh! My lightswitch fell off on Saturday night so I was without a big light until this morning, when a guy showed up. He's not an electrician, so all he could do was tape the switch back on which allows me to use the other one for the same light until the electrician can come. I got work done before noon though and did a lot. Took a two-hour break to watch the show, clean the bathroom, clean my room, make food. Then worked for two more hours.
   Upon that break, I made a trip to the public library. It was the first time I'd left gdsa since the hospital trip. And I hadn't even really realized that I hadn't left. It was weird walking up the street cus I was like, "Oh yeah, London." Then the library--seriously, public libraries are like HOME. They make me sooo happy. I got three cookbooks and then it was like fate that the Daphne du Maurier Companion was looking out at me from one of the shelves (I'm writing a final paper on one of her books). I left feeling happy then went to Costa Coffee and got a gingerbread latte, which was goooooood. I then sung Jingle Bells in my head all the way home. I'm almost never in such a blatantly good mood and only realized I was singing in my head after like five minutes.
   Oh yeah, and in addition to seeing Graham in just three days (btw CHER is going to be on!), I got e-mailed my ticket for Graham for a week from tomorrow and guess who's going to be on? MATT SMITH (new Doctor Who). Basically, shitting myself. Shit shit shit all over the place it's awesome. Dragging Obi along. Ahhh, I should do more essay research. What's up?

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