Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So basically, when I was in high school, I got into Patrick Wolf. The first day we had two and a half straight hours of orgo, I drove to CD Warehouse afterward and purchased The Magic Position, and I haven't looked back since. Steve once scolded me for playing it way too loudly in my car. I literally carried the album around with me for two days. I used to study for orgo to Wind in the Wires. Good times.

I went to Nina's and had some babycham (??) and we got dressed. I wore the dress Aunt Viv got me for my birthday, all black and gold pea-cocky (as Nina said). We did our makeup and Nina went all out--lots of star glitter, huge fake eyelashes, the works. We danced around to Patrick Wolf and talked about life. Then we faced the cold and caught a bus to Holborn area, where the gig was. We scouted out the queue and then went to Hummus Bros (i.e. my bf lolz cus he gave us free carrot sticks?). That was mostly cus I made some comment to him about how efficiently he packed up our food and it was awesome to behold. Yeah, I said that. *facepalm* But I meant it! Anyway, so I scarfed that shit down and we went and stood aside of the queue cus we had to pick up tickets and get the lift for Nina. So we were shown in a little early. Met Nina's friend Jenny, who's here from Germany on an internship. She was really nice. Bloomsbury ballroom is such a weird place. When we were let into the building, we still weren't allowed in the actual room for the concert. Instead, people again had to queue in a carpeted room with a bar and some tables and really artsy booths kind of stuck into the wall. Finn, Jenny and I went to the coat check upstairs and to get there, we walked this narrow hallway area that had more artsy booths on both sides and then a kitchen at the end! We decided we wanted to live there. We waited outside the doors to the actual venue until sometime after 8 and then we were let in first so Nina could a spot where no one was going to crowd up and block her view. Jenny and I acted as blockers to these kind of people. I have never stood so close to a stage for a show in my life. We were at the right facing the stage and I was literally the second row back. Kind of scared for the noise. We waited more until a little after 9 when Patrick finally came on!!
   He teased us, playing the opening to "Time of My Life" before launching into a different song. The noise level was honestly not that bad. I was a bit of an Elissa anxiety party pooper in the beginning, but then I just told myself, "Shit, girl, you're in London, seeing Patrick Wolf, this is a dream come true!" so I forgot my tiredness, the achy back and started dancing. One thing I dislike about live shows is they always mess with the tempo of songs that you really like, and for me, it makes it a little harder to relate to them, but it was ok. He played some of his new songs and I kept feeling like they really spoke to where I'm at in life. That's pretty cool. It was weird seeing him in person because he's not as skinny as he appears elsewhere, but when I thought about it, he's already 27. And he looked somehow more manly than I had previously thought. Lol. He was wearing a bright red jumpsuit sort of thing and jacket. Eventually the seam of his pants ripped clear from butt to crotch. We were all giggling about it.
   I was having such a good time that I was honestly bummed when he said goodnight. The crowd went a little bonkers and chanted and stuff and ten minutes later he came back out after a costume change. He played a song called "Bermondsey Street" which I rather liked and then he played Magic Position, the change in which I was ok with. It was awesome. Especially when he would come to our side of the stage. I could've literally touched him, he was that close. And I'm pretty sure we made eye contact at least once, which was cool to say for someone I've admired for so long.
   Nina, Jenny and I hung around for a bit. Jenny had to leave and finally Nina and I took off. She was bumming so I tried to cheer her up as best as I could. We went back to her flat, where I had left my stuff, and we talked a bit. I feel like we largely get each other, in important aspects of life. The Golden Girls. Yes. Then I went home by tube and was absolutely knackered. Got home about 12:15 and decompressed on skype with my brother and Ashley. Knocked out about 1 and got out of bed after 10 with glitter all over my face and huge bags under my eyes. Lol. And felt GRUBBY. Buuuut I changed my sheets and took a shower and I've uploaded loads more photos, so I'm going to peace out but check out those photos at:
Please comment!


  1. SOOOO proud of you for getting over your nervousness. Also, for living out one of your dreams. And I remember that dress, though I don't believe I've ever seen you in that much makeup. Peacock indeed. :D

  2. It wasn't really that much makeup. No more than I normally would wear--eyeliner (black this time), gold eyeshadow, mascara, and then just some glitter.

  3. I love this. God, I wish I could have been there!! - Meredith
