Monday, December 27, 2010

more Christmas-y things

   On Christmas Eve night, Michelle came over around 6pm and then Obi came back shortly after that. We made lots of leftovers for dinner and sat around the table talking and being silly and stuff. We went back to Michelle's flat and watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno which was really good. Obi and I came back to mine and stayed up til 2am facebook stalking and talking to people. I was chatting on skype and Obi was sitting next to me watch Gundam Unicorn and I didn't know that so I look over and there's just a white unicorn on the screen. So random.
   On Christmas day we woke up RIGHT as we were supposed to meet Michelle so we got out the door in five minutes to go eat bagels, cream cheese, smoked salmon and mimosas. Yummmmm. And her grandma's homemade hot chocolate mix. Then we took a break so everyone could go skype people. I let Obi have skype time for like an hour and a half then I had skype time. Work in progress time. I got dressed and everything, gathered the food, then met Flynn in the lobby and waited for Niko. We headed up to Michelle's flat and started in on so much foooood. I basically had a meal of just starters. We had carrots, peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli with hummus; a selection of French cheese with crackers; and sausage rolls for starters, all while Michelle had homemade applesauce cooking in the background. We didn't actually eat the meal until 9pm. Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, homemade mac and cheese, green beans, and crusty bread. There was music and not-drunken dancing (you think I need alcohol to make a fool out of myself dancing to Hall and Oates [thank you Rachel]??? Bad thing is it was caught on camera). Finally, after 11pm, and a half hour of rest to let the food settle, we made our back to my flat for some mini mince pies and a second round of Mao, a card game where you sort of make up your own rules. I know certain people know how I am when I play cards, and especially how I am when I am learning a new game, so it should come as no surprise that I HATED it at first because I didn't get it, and then I just kept getting happy to pull one over on Niko, making up a rule that people had to glare at him. He called a cab a little after 1 and we played until it arrived. So I walked him down and then everyone called it a night.
   It was about 2 but I wanted to go online so I did and ended up skyping and didn't fall asleep until after quarter to 4. Obi got out of bed at 10 yesterday and was on the computer and I lay in bed for an hour hating everything. :-P Just for lack of sleep. He was going to go out but it didn't work out. So we kind of sat around until 2ish. He was online and I did sudoku but then I took a shower and he sort of started napping so I watched Psych. I think he got up or something to eat and I thought he was going to leave but they called and cancelled. He and I watched the eppy of Graham we went to, noting the editing, etc. Then I started talking to T, so Obi gave us some space and ended up sleeping on my bed for two hours, so I stayed on the computer. I finally woke him up again around 6 cus we went to Michelle's for dinner--leftovers and some peppers and sausage. We watched I Love You, Man after that and then came back. Skyped with Carman and Chelsey and then stayed up til nearly 2 talking like 10-year-old girls in the dark. ;) Now he's just left to go around with his friends and I'm NOT working on essays and instead will catch up with shitty (but good) tv and waste time, etc. Pictures? I think so. Cheers!

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